F3 Greenwood

YHC have been away from the Q’s for awhile and it’s been hard to get out of that slump. So I decided to sign up for a few workouts, and when I found out that I had a newbie hook on coming this week I grabbed up the Q at epicenter, which wasn’t too hard to do.

Weather: very humid

Disclamer: given at 5:15

warmups went like this:

20 SSH, 15 little baby arm circles forward and back, 15 overhead claps, 15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers.

Mosey to coupon cage, and did the first part of the workout.  20 merkens, 20 Air squats, 20 little boy sit-ups, run to benches and do 10 burpee box jumps. 3 rounds and return to coupons for second part of workout. 10 man makers, 20 Alpos, 30 overhead press, 40 tricep extensions, and 50 curls. Run to benches and do 10 dips. 3 rounds and we returned the coupons to the cage and meant over by the benches at the restrooms where we were going to do our last round of exercises when 2C asked me why aren’t we doing balls to the wall. You always do balls to the wall. Your right! Ask and you shall receive! 20 count of BTW (very slow count) then to some last abb work of 20 Vups, 20 flutter kicks, 20 American hammers, and 20 crunches, pinto joined in on this last set because he was doing his own running workout. Return to flag and did names and announcements. Welcome FNG Butterbean (Dean Gillespie) a long EH in the making. Run the helix next week, and Ragner boys would love for some 2nd F company next month.

Everone did great today, we all pushed ourselves and each other. Good work men!!