F3 Greenwood

YHC has been enjoying the addition of music to the workouts lately. Many Q’s bring their own speaker and choice of music. Uncle Jessie always has a speaker and jam band music oozing out of it! Well, YHC was glad to have the Q today at Terrapin to change up the set-list and the location! YHC succeeded in one objective and failed in another!

No Warm-Up: The mosey to the Lander Amphitheater would get the blood pumping.

The Thang:

Indian run over to the amphitheater at Lander. The Pax at the back would do three Burpee’s before sprinting to the front. Bengay, Baby Blu, and Second Chance, got the honor of working up the hill OTW to Lander!

At the Amphitheater we meet a nasty, and perverted Dora!  Dora was asking for 100 Burpees,  200 merkins, and 300 LBC’s. While one man works at the bottom the other man by bounds up the steps to the top and does 15 dips before returning to the bottom. Bounding to the top smokes the legs and gets the heart pounding!

After completion of the perverted and nasty Dora, we did an ascending squat ladder. Two squats at the bottom of the stairs, sprint to the top. Then four squats on the next step, sprint up the top, eight squats on the next step, then sprint up the stairs, sixteen squats on the next step, then up you go! Finally 32 squats and one last sprint to the top and recovery was called.

Indian run back to Terrapin, YHC was smoked at this point and barely hanging on for the Indian run.

Great work by all men. YHC did fail at musical choice!  As a Q I asked Uncle Jesse to stop with the jam band hippie crap (he kindly obliged), I suggested 90s alt rock. It made the gloom all the gloomier! It was it awful mix of depressing 90’s music than made YHC wish he was back at home under the covers and crying! I would have killed from some Dead as I went up the steps! Near the conclusion of the workout YHC begged DJ Uncle Jesse to change the music, at which time the ever heart pounding Billy Joel began to thump. We must get the music situation worked out.

Bengay’s VQ is coming up at Epicenter this Thursday, please make plans for everyone to attend. Bengay is awesome guy and I can’t wait ton see what he comes up with!



Prayer request: the family and friends of Rocky, travels for Blu this weekend. Second Chance has some shin splints as well! Pray he heals up, his efforts are inspiring!

Devotion: James 4:13-15  Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”–  (14)  yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.  (15)  Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”