F3 Greenwood

7 pax returned to the Mothership of F3Greenwood for a NCAA Sweet 16 inspired #Beatdown at the hands of YHC. YHC tried a recruiting campaign leading up to the festivities and even bribed the new Nantan with BRR money in hope of breaking #DoubleDigits. It wasn’t meant to be as one HC posted else where and others gave in to the #Fartsack. Well back to the #Beatdown. The reps would primarily revolve around the #16. Obviously, being in reference to the Gamecocks first trip to the Sweet 16. There will be some other references noted along the way. Let’s see where this goes because sometimes we modify.




Merkinsx16 OYO

JumpSquatsx16 IC




Mosey to playground 4 rounds

6 Pull-ups /10 Jungleboi squats (4×16=64…..I’m sorry play in games don’t count to me)


Indian Run to HeartBreak Hill


Heartbreak Hill 8 min AMRAP’s (8 because teams are playing for chance to get into the Elite 8)

#1 6 Burpees bearcrawl up 10V-ups crabwalk down repeato……..


#2 7 Merkins Sprint up 12 Big-Boy Sit-ups Sprint Down (7 South Carolina’s Seed/ 10+2 Seeds Gamecocks have beaten)


Mosey to Polly’s Pavilion


6 Box Jump Burpees/ 10 Dips

Modification (explained in NMS)

Cage Work with Coupons (29 reps each exercise in honor of Thumper’s last day in his 20’s)


Kettlebell Swings


Bent Over Rows

Overhead Press



Countorama, Namerama, Prayer (Rocky, Sparkle, Others with Illness and Injury)

Announcements: Busy Saturday Alpo and Flossy CoQ BootCamp/Hellsbells at Fury 0600 with Howards after. 2.0 Bootcamp at 0800 also at Fury followed by Chick-Fil-a.


You can’t tell me the bootcamps at the Epicenter do not stack up to other AO’s. If you have not been there in awhile check it out. Great AO with lots of options. Solid work today men. Well done. Great effort and of course solid #mumblechatter.

Duggar stood us up despite an HC before………turns out he at least did not #Fartsack but chose another Bootcamp. Need to get a name for this. I guess you could say he gave us the Heisman.

Thanks to the AOQ’s tweet the day before, HeartBreak Hill was in the rotation. Must admit it was going to be there anyway.

Solid work on the hill. It was stated that Sugar must have Super Powers after he jumped out to an early lead on the final round of hill work. I think Sugar called it “Nandrenaline”. Pretty sure that is what the Nantan said.

Reason for Modification: While suffering through the Q’s favorite new exercise (The BoxJumpBurpee) chatter started by Polly or maybe it was crying about “Are we going to use the blocks today?” It seems the AOQ was on the ball and unlocked the cage for access to the coupons before bootcamp. Combine that with Thumper telling us this was his last day in his 20’s and modification was needed. We moseyed over to the “Cage” for a few exercises of 29 reps in the Cage. Thanks Polly!

Thumper is heading to HHI for his birthday. Happy Birthday Thumper! We will see if some new baby Thumpers show up in the future.

Polly asked what the #16 symbolized during the last AMRAP. It was explained but YHC must admit to being a little disappointed that this Gamecock fan did not know the reference. Oh well.

As usual, an honor to Q this group of men at the Epicenter today! #tclaps