Q #4 in six days for YHC. Ideas are running rampant, always want the pax to experience something a little new. Temperature was nice, maybe 58 degrees are so, ground was very wet from the rain the night before. YHC made up mind to try to keep dry. Ground was soaked. I think everyone stepped in at least one huge water puddle in route to the coupon cage. Fortunately the AOQ had unlocked the cage-so time was not wasted. Pax grabbed a coupon and headed to the gazebo.
Short Warmup
Morning Glorys 15 IC
Grass Cutters 15 IC
This is what we did:
Burpees 5
Burpess 5
Goblet Squats 10
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats 10
OH press 20
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats 10
OH press 20
Curls 40
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats 10
OH press 20
Curls 40
Alpos 60 Originally called 80 Alpos, and the chins hit the floor. On the fly mulligan changed it to 60
Burpees 5
Goblet Squats 10
OH press 20
Curls 40
Bent Over Rows 60 Wasnt going through the Aplo criticism again.
Block (bench) Press 120
7 min amrap
Partner up
Pax 1 Decline Merkins 10 switch after 10
Pax 2 LBCs
5 min amrap
Step up with high knees 15
NMS: I think everyone thought the work was good. Sorry for the lack of NMS, but having a little backblast fatique.
Until next time, BabyBlu out.