F3 Greenwood

YHC wasn’t sure what kind of crowd to expect when he originally signed up to Q this date but was anxious to get to the Mothership based on the Twittering the night before to see if the rumors were true and that some PAX were returning from a hiatus. And those PAX didn’t disappoint as this morning brought the return of Boy George, Piddler, Mac-N-Cheese, and Flossy. We all hope this wasn’t a limited time engagement.

Weather – cooler than yesterday but not bad for December 31st as long as the wind didn’t blow.

Disclaimer was given and off we went.


SSH x 20

IW x 20

Cut the grass x 20

Merkins x 20

Mosey to the coupon cage and mosey to pull-up bars with coupons

The Thang

YHC is a Christmas fanatic so there was no better way to end the year then with one final rendition of a 12 days of Christmas workout.

Day 1 – Manmaker

Day 2 – Squats with block in OH press position

Day 3 – Pull-ups

Day 4 – Goblet Squats

Day 5 – AFPT Big Big Sit-ups

Day 6 – Burpees (After day 6 was completed, bearcrawl length of grassy area near pull-up bar, broad jump back and complete 5o LBCs.)

Day 7 – KB Swings

Day 8 – Merkin shoulder taps

Day 9 – Russian twists

Day 10 – Pullovers

Day 11 – Monkey Humpers

Day 12 – Burpee block jump overs (After completing day 12, repeat bearcrawl, broad jump, and 50 LBCs.)

Recover was called at 6:00 with most PAX either having just finished or finishing up day 12. Coupons were returned and we moseyed to the flag.



-January 4th marathon relay from Manley-Garvin parking lot at 6:00. If you’re on a team, chose your strategy. If you’re not on a team, get on a team.

-January 1st workout schedule is 6:30 run departing from Talon with 7:30 COT. 8:00 ultimate frisbee at Talon with 2.0s.

Prayer Requests

-Flossy’s dad

-Boy George’s mom

-BenGay’s M’s boss who is recovering from a ruptured brain aneurysm


-It was great to have some PAX make a return to the gloom this morning. YHC hopes this is a sign of things to come for 2020 for them.

-Bandwagon continues to put in the work and the effort and is making improvements every time he comes out.

-YHC shared Isaiah 64:8, “But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” As we enter into a new year, we need to keep advancing forward. And a huge part of that is allowing Him to continue to mold us into the men that we were created to be. We need to continue to move forward physically, mentally, and spiritually. We need to continue to strive to be the best husbands, fathers, and servants of Him everyday. YHC is looking forward to 2020 to see how He continues to use F3 to make an impact in Greenwood.

Until next time,
