F3 Greenwood

There has been much #MisdirectedHostility at YHC for the tardiness of this BB. And well there should be. As such, it is #816AM on a Sunday as I write this and there should be much #Taiyed (look it up) when it is completed. Don’t #FreakOut, YHC will #DoYouRight before you go #Loco.

YHC’s neck got #AllMixedUp and is currently a #BeautifulDisaster, but it was #311Day and YHC had the Q. Also worth noting, YHC’s birthday was on the 8th, which also happened to be a day of meaningless protest. Shame.

YHC wanted to #MakeItRough for the pax, and they didn’t believe YHC would #MakeTheSameMistakeTwice by calling #1,2,3 hundred burpees. Well, we could have #FiveOfEverything, which crossed YHC’s mind on #FridayAfternoon. YHC told the pax #DontStayHome on Saturday. Burpees can make anyone #LongForTheFlowers, but six (yes, just six) pax came to #GetDown in the #GoldenSunlight and make #SomethingOutOfNothing.

As everyone knows, #MyHeartSings when doing burpees. It’s like drinking #WhiskeyAndWine and helps you see #TheOtherSideOFThings, so you should #ThankYourLuckyStars and look #BeyondTheGraySky to find your #Purpose. #Purpose is not #Random.

Off we go on the first set of one hundred. We just had to #LetTheCardsFall make efficient #UseOfTime. We were very #Lucky there was no #Running. We started with #NoControl and decried how burpees can make you #FeelSoGood, but it was #Plain that even if you are #StrongAllAlong that burpees can make you #ReconsiderEverything and want to #BombTheTown.

We were able to #CrackTheCode on the first set of 100 burpees and took a short recovery jog to a new place on the field. #TimeIsPrecious so we immediately got cracking on a second set of 100. It was during this set that we had to cross #TheGreatDivide of the Third 500. This is where the #EbbAndFlow of a workout – and life – can drive a man to take #TooMuchTooFast in search of a #NeverendingSummer. That’s why when my brothers of the gloom call I say #CountMeIn. We have hit the #Jackpot with F3 and must both guard and use it to its fullest. That is why #WeDoItLikeThis. Life can give you the #Mindspin and #Sever you from the relationships that are most important. But, with F3, you can really start #LivinAndRockin, #WakeYourMindUp and embrace the #Uncalm because #ThisTooShallPass. #YouWouldntBelieve how much you are truly capable of so don’t be a #Prisoner to #JackolanternsWeather.

At some point, we all realized this workout was a real #SoulSucker, but Pusher kept us #Rollin along and helped us #FreezeTime to keep our minds off the pain. We stayed in the #RightNow by telling ourselves #ItsAlright. Doing 311 burpees can make you feel #Weightless, but after it’s all said and done, you feel like an #ExistentialHero.

With 200 burpees down, we knew we had it #MadeInTheShade and began to experience the #Tranquility of #Dreamland. We thought we were #StillDreaming, but there was one last set to complete. We went after the last set with #NoControl as we sought the #Paradise of 7am. AS the end approached, we knew that #ItsGettingOKNow.

Life is not #AppliedScience. When we have a group of men in #Unity, then we can soar to #Jupiter. Or even the whole #Galaxy. We once were a group of #Strangers, but that seems like #LightYears ago. When I think of life before F3, I wonder #WhatWasIThinking? Now, I have a support system of men who #DontLetMeDown (DLMD) and remind me to #TuneIn and keep #StealingHappyHours.

*All hashtags are 311 songs.

Thanks to the five pax who joined YHC – albeit reluctantly – to celebrate 311 day. Make sure to check out some of these tunes and remember to STAY POSITIVE AND LOVE YOUR LIFE!

Jugz Out