A cold, misty-rainy morning. A few dedicated Pax showed up and put in some miles. Due to ankle/foot issues, I didn’t run but did a Ladder workout: made it up to 100 and back down to 30 as time was up.
10 burpees
20 leg raises
30 merkins
40 American hammers
50 air squats
60 werkins
70 second low plank
80 flutter kicks
90 ssh
100 second high plank
Marathon at ManleyGarvin
Prayers for Quickie
Our Nation
Spoken n Unspoken
Tweeter recently tweaked his calf/leg? And had been resting it but decided to try it out this morning. He only made it to Waffle House before he started feeling tightness but then it went away. As he was running the 5k route, he noticed a vehicle was watching him, then it would drive ahead then pull off n wait on him, n kept this up several times…..was he being stalked? Or were they planning to kidnap our Tweeter?!
Always be alert n watchful!!
Pacer out!