Conditions- 71 and 98% humidity
One minute warning and disclaimer- just me and Beano to hear it and he knows the deal.
I roll in at 0505 and see Alpo and Dixie Chick crossing the road. Weaver and CornCob are syncing watches and ready for take off. Several other trucks are parked with noone in sight. Beano pulls in as I’m getting my stretch on. Hal has him down for 3 easy miles, which translates to a 3 mile jailbreak for Belle. Hal has me down for 4, so Beano threw Hal to the curb and joined me for a slower 4. It seemed like we spent half of our run in the vapor trail of a trash truck. There’s a dumpster somewhere around the Sportsbreak Hill area that made our eyes burn. We just couldn’t pinpoint the origin of the stench. We have our suspicions though. Luckily it had dissipated by the time we came back through. Everyone returned. Some had to leave the same way they arrived. Three were able to hang around for some quality 2ndF.
Announcements- IPC Week 3 will be held on Tuesday and Thursday this week, most likely at the YMCA track. Stand by for more details.
Prayer Requests- Blu and his M’s family, Trojan and his M’s passing, JuicyFruit still in hospital.
YHC prayed us out.
Southern Belle is hanging up…