F3 Greenwood

Conditions wet, cool and breezy

Disclaimer sort of

When Tweeter reached out for a Q, YHC was hesitant and replied with 🌩threat. As YHC was driving the thought occurred that no one would show but several Pax were already out on this cool and wet morning. As more gathered and we watched our watches and the sky it was obvious we had to get after it. The route chosen by most was around the mall perimeter to duck under shelter if a downpour occurred. Luckily our 45 minutes went by with only a drizzle and a pretty good breeze on the backside of the mall. All returned safely and hung around for a descent 2nd F with barista “Pothole”


All AOs operating on normal schedules

Murph Memorial Day Monday watch for details 6am start at the fountain work done at Terrapin and return to the fountain

No Prayer Requests mentioned

Stay safe and keep social distancing
