29 got their Wednesday off to a running start. PAX running various distances and various routes and all returned safely.
Disclaimer was inferred and safety warning was given and off we all went.
F3 ImPact Challenge – see link below.
F3 Savannah is building off of the momentum of the IronPax Challenge and launched the ImPact Challenge. See the link above for more information but the basics of it is to challenge us to help our community and it is wide open. The options are endless. So, let’s get involved and jump in. These are things that can be done invidually, like buying groceries for a neighbor in need, or together, like building bleachers at the Toros complex. As long as it is helping people in our community, let’s all that matters. So, go sign-up and let’s get involved. Let’s support F3 Savannah with this the same way they supported us with IronPax,
Along those lines, here are 2 opportunities already:
-Feed Greenwood 5K on November 9th
-Be at Toros field at 5:00 tonight and tomorrow night to put together bleachers.
YHC can’t wait to see what the ImPact that the men of F3Greenwood make on our community.
Until next time,