F3 Greenwood

YHC only got out of bed this morning because YHC had the Q. And to be honest, when YHC walked out of his house this morning and got met with a wind gust and rain, YHC almost ignored the fact that he had the Q and went back inside. And the entire drive to Starbucks, there was hope that no other brave soul or crazy person (depending on who you ask) would post and if that were the case, YHC’s butt would’ve returned home and took a nap on the couch. But alas, there were already 5 other HIMs waiting for my arrival out front of Firehouse ready to go. So, YHC pushed out into the cold and the wet and much to the surprise of YHC, Tweeter suggested a BC under the awning of the place formerly known as JC Penney. So, before he could retract the statement, YHC ran to his truck, secured a coupon and off we moseyed to JCPeneny, trying to avoid the big puddles along the way.

Disclaimer was given before leaving Firehouse.

Weather – cold and wet. Perfect gloom conditions.

To be honest, YHC made this one up on the fly. There were merkins, abs, squats, SSH, thrusters, and a partridge and a pear tree all thrown in there. When the rain let up, we would take laps around the parking lot and Starbucks. All in all, we covered 2 miles throughout the morning. Coupon was rifle carried back to the truck.



    Presenting baristas with Christmas gift tomorrow after BCs. UJ promises free coffee if we can get to 37.
    Mill Hill Marathon relay on Saturday January 9th. Make plans now. More details to come.

Prayer Requests

    Polly has a cardiologist appointment today.


    Upon our arrival back to Starbucks, we were met by Dr. Phil who braved the elements and put in a fountain run.
    Foreclosure gave us some tunes that were relatively clean and full of some quality country music to which he said, “I don’t play any Bull****”.
    The weather was cold and wet but this is the best time to post. These are memories that we make in the gloom and I’m glad that these 6 other HIMs defeated the fartsack and joined in the fun and games this morning. The next time the weather is bad, make it a point to post. You won’t regret it.

Until next time,
