F3 Greenwood

There was no rain, but the pollen was everywhere.

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The rain that was in the forecast, made a very brief showing (one or two drops) during the scheduled running time.

A large grouping of runners left out early for some speed work. The Disregard GIFs | Tenorprescribed work (designed by Tweeter) was not built to fit into the confines of the Wednesday morning workout. On top of that, it seems that Randy’s total disregard for C.O.T. is rubbing off on our Nantan.

As far as the rest of the group is concerned; the runners ran, the walkers, walked, and the ruckers rucked.

There were no announcements but we did have some prayer requests.

Prayer Request

    Weaver – Family (kobayshi piggy backing on this one)
    Those PAX running one of the worst marked relay race on the East Coast. Mortimer Relay
    Quickie’s father in-law dealing with son.


    It’s a good thing no one has been too concerned with writing backblasts. Changes are coming that will potentially make backblasts a thing of the past. This makes me sad.
    Not sure what Tweeter had planned but his workout must have been by invite only and most of this morning’s group was not invited.
    Fight the urge to not do a backblast – BenGay! This applies to you too.
    With the number of PAX signing up to Q, I’m pretty sure I’ll be writing another one of these very soon.

With that being said…

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