Conditions- Cool and misty with a rainy finish
0514- one minute warning and disclaimer given
0515- showtime
A few PAX took off at 0500 to get some extra time in the gloom. The rest of us waited until 0515. All left safely and returned the same. The run started off with a slight mist in the air, but ended up with a light rain that was just enough to have you soaked before you got back. Not as big a crowd as I was expecting. Everyone that wasn’t there was truly missed. We need to get these #’s back up guys. The longer you stay out, the harder you have to work to get back to where you were at. Too many of us have come too far to fall off now. It starts by climbing out of that fartsack one leg at a time. Excuses are easy. Work is hard. Results are priceless. Oh and #3morepointsforteamblubelle
Announcements- It’s raining, courtesy of Detour. Rain makes for a very short and quiet COT.
Prayer requests/praise reports- Pacer’s friend dealing with cancer
BOM- YHC prayed us out
Southern Belle is hanging up…..