The Madness ended today. 31 days in March. Many Kotters, some FNGs. Many posted more this month than they had in the previous 6 months. But YHC will post a wrap-up BB at some other time. As for today, Tweeter reached out to YHC and asked about an Indian Run to finish out March Madness. He has been harping about an Indian Run for some time now, so YHC figured why not. So, Tweeter made several groups with estimated times and this is the last time YHC trusts an estimated pace from Tweeter. One would think that YHC would have learned not to trust the skinny runner from D2D training, but YHC has not wisened up yet.
Disclaimer was given.
PAX were broken up and a large group of 15 or so took off for a 8:00ish pace 5 mile Indian run to the fountain and the rest broke off for a 4 mile at a little slower pace Indian run in the same direction. Please note the ish. Because there was no 8 in our pace. And that is all Tweeter’s fault because he was at the front of the line to start and he took off at a 7:20 pace. YHC should’ve stayed with the 4 mile group.
But we all made it back safely.
Saturday BC at Epicenter
Prayer Requests
Healing for Quickie
25 men was a great way to end March Madness. YHC will share more thoughts in a separate BB about March Madness to be posted by the end of the week.
YHC shared Matthew 27:41-54, “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split…..” Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us access to Him whenever we want it or need it. The tearing of the temple curtain symbolizes this. We need to live our life everyday in gratitude for this gift.
If you get a minute today, go read Pacer’s FB post.
Until next time,