F3 Greenwood

25 PAX posted for some last chance miles of 2020. Not sure if some where trying to run as fast as possible away from 2020, but some ran faster than others and some ran farther than others. But all were happy they got up and ran.

Weather – perfect for a December morning stroll

Disclaimer – YHC assumes it was given since YHC had already departed for some crazy Tweeter designed speed work.

25 left and 25 returned safely.



    Mill Hill Marathon – January 9th. Find a team. Donate $5 if able to replenish benevolence fund.
    New Saturday schedule starting this week. BC at 6 at Epicenter.
    Special K is assuming AOQ duties of Talon while Quickie is on the shelf

Prayer Requests

    2 military families who are dealing with suicides that happened over this past weekend


    Tweeter put out an APB for a Q. The Q sheet is wide open men. Get on it. It’s the only way to guarantee (except for Duggar and Tweeter) that you’ll show up. Rumor is that Mr. Bean is going to make his return next Wednesday and Q the run.

Until next time,
