YHC had the privilege of CO-Qing with Special K today for his VQ! This guy brings it to the PAX’s early and often. The double Q did not disappoint the PAX or allow them to breath. YHC has been busy of late but had to travel for work on Thursday so had time to reflect on things and plan the Thang he would be leading today.
Conditions: 32 Cold and Frosty until we did the first set of merkins. From that point on YHC does not remember being cold at all. I do remember trying to catch my breath and keep my heart rate from pegging out.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional, you are here at your own free will, push yourself but know your limitations, you know your body I don’t so modify if needed.
COP (lead by Special K)
- Grab a block and mosey to football field
- 15 Merkins IC
- 15 Kettle Bell Swings IC
- 15 Plank Lifts IC
- 15 Overhead Squats w/Block IC
- 15 Merkins IC
- 15 Kettle Bell Swings OYO (Special K called an audible here and opted for OYO as swings are not conducive to IC)
- 15 Plank Lifts IC
- 15 Overhead Squats w/Block OYO
Partner Up (YHC partnered up the PAX with some strategic match-ups where he knew the PAX would benefit from be pushed by one another, some were not #crowdpleasers)
Make your way to the Goal Line with one Block per team.
The Thang
Dora 123
- 100 Triceps Presses
- 200 Curls
- 300 Chest Presses
- P1 works while P2 Karaoke to the 50, do 5 Monkey Humpers, Karaoke back to goal line and switch.
- When finished plank for 6 or help your brothers finish their reps
Dora 123 (No this is not a typo we did both of these sets)
- 100 LBC’s
- 200 Flutterkicks (only counting one leg)
- 300 Side Crunches (only counting one side)
- P1 works while P2 sprints to the 50, do 5 Hand Release Merkins, Reverse Sprint back to goal line and switch
Lots of time left so lets keep it going
- Line up at the back of the end zone, do 5 Merkins, Bear Crawl to goal line, do 5 Squats, Sprint to the 10, do 5 Merkins, Bear Crawl to the 20, do 5 Squats… finish at the 50 (had planned to go full length of field but knew Special K had something well special planned at the end) Reverse Sprint back to end zone and plank for the 6.
- I think it was at this point that Smokey #splashedmerlot. He kindly splash by the fence out of the way. Go to see Smokey pushing himself hard enough to splash or could of been a headache form Capri shouting at him during the double Dora 123’s. YHC was beside this pair and I can still hear Capri shouting come on Smokey!
- Karaoke to the 50 and back
3 ROUNDS OF FURY (told you it was special)
- Round 1
- Manmakers (45 sec Max Effort)
- 15 Sec Rest
- Jump Lunges (45 Sec Max Effort) These were a #crowdpleaser especially for YHC
- 15 Sec Rest
- Big Boy Situp (45 Sec Max Effort)
- 15 Sec Rest
- Rinse and Repeat for Rounds 2 and 3
- One minute left of the clock YHC called LBAC’s 10 IC Forward and Backwards
The dirty 12 broke the trance of the fartsack
- Leading Augusta 21st leaving Epicenter at 5am
- Thanksgiving Convergence at Epicenter at 6:30am
- Lots of 5K’s coming up
Prayer Requests
- Pothole’s Family
- Cartels Dad
- Paris
- 8 Mile’s boy Danny fighting ISIS
Naked Moleskin
- YHC got his first merlot splash from the PAX. Was close last Q with Juggernaut 🙂
- It’s been just over 6 months since F3 began in The Wood. YHC has been #allin since the Big Bang May 9th and F3 has already had a huge impact on my life. Those who saw me at the start and see the visible changes as I’ve gone from 272lbs to weighing in at 228lbs this am. I’m running, not from someone or a swarm of bees, I’m actually running all be it not very fast still. I’m leading workouts and challenging the PAX to #getbetter. I have not accomplished this, we have, could not have done it own my own, I had tried many times.
- But there are somethings far greater that has happened in 6 months that many can’t see unless you know me outside of posting. My countenance has changed, I’m more confident and self assured. I have always been confident in my relationship with Christ but have struggled with self image and self doubt. I have some true friends, brothers, who will hold me accountable, encourage and check in with me during difficult times, push me to #bebetter both physically and spiritually.
- I still have growing to do in my relationship with Christ and my leading of my wife and family. I cannot and will not become complacent in this area. I also cannot give more effort to F3 than I do to my far greater responsibility at home. I’m committed to growing F3 passing along what has been freely given to me and it’s not just a workout, it’s a desire to #getbetter #bebetter in all areas of my life and have men holding me accountable in all of those areas.
- So I set some goals when I started 6 months ago. One was to get down to 225lbs, almost there. Second was to lead a workout and actually lead in such a way that makes some of the beasts that post with us gassed, accomplished. Time for new goals and to keep pushing.
- I’m still looking for an accountability partner. Yes we talk about accountability but I’m talking about another man looking me in the eye and challenging me on how I’m living for Christ and leading/loving my wife and kids. How I’m spending my time, are my eyes lingering where they should not, am I giving more effort posting than leading at home, am I keeping things in balance….Do you have someone like this in your life?
- Who are you going to push and hold accountable to #getbetter #bebetter and not just in the workout, but in all areas of our lives as men.
- I’m honored to post, live, serve with you men! Keep pushing the rock!