11 pax exited the fartsack for a Baby Blu beatdown. Temperature 45 deg, attitude good (until the 3rd set of warmup burpees) mumble chatter continued through warmups, Capri was disappointed in burpees, came to shipyard to try to avoid them.
Dynamic warmup. (YIC discovered this warmup was to increase Testosterone levels, Baby Blu will try anything! )JK
20 Side straddle hop IC
10 air squats IC
10 Imperial walkers IC
10 jogging in place IC
Main Thang part 1
10 overhead squats w/coupon
15 burpees
10 overhead squats w/coupon
15 burpees
10 overhead squats w/coupon
15 burpees
20 kettle bell swings
10 mountain climbers IC
20 kettle bell swings
10 mountain climbers IC
20 kettle bell swings
10 mountain climbers IC
20 mins
main THANG part 2
Count off
line up at goal line
1- stays at goal line begins with
100- overhead press
200-Arm curls
2 bear crawls to 20
10 big boy sit-ups, sprints back and takes #1s place
25 min.
Dip out- pax 1 starts dips does as many as he can while #2 does LBCs. When 1 can’t do anymore they switch. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Etc.
12 min
lots of mumble chatter about what should be counted as a dip. How low do you go?
name o roma
“Finally be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast Strength”. Ephesians 6:10
Competitive Greatness
John wooden- striving to be the best we can, not trying to be the best.
Defined it as – A real love for hard battle, knowing it offers the opportunity to be at our best – when our best is required.
3 concepts help me to grasp what CG is:
Be prepared:
“Having a passion to prepare will help us face the battle without fear”.
Be disciplined: if integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching, then competitive greatness is working hard when no one is watching.
Be focused: clear vision- not being distracted. A picture of the future that produces passion.
thank you for the opportunity to fellowship.
Baby Blu