Wednesday morning was a cold 25 degrees and clear! 26 Pax made the choice to get better. After YHC gave a disclaimer and did his best to describe the routes we usually take each man headed off into the dark Wood. Some ran 5ks some ran 8ks but we all sweated and returned safely. Animal had to leave as soon as he returned.
I had the privilege of running along side Dixie Chick. Together we pushed each other to do our best. This is the epitome of F3, the reason I LOVE IT SO MUCH…men pushing men to make each other better. In this instance it was a run up and down the 72 ByPass. In many, many more instances however, the push to get better with these guys is OFF the training track and in the field of life. I realize some men don’t think, for them, F3 is a good “fit”. I simply don’t understand that. For me, the brotherhood that has been and is being forged is immeasurable. God has blessed this group and for that…I am SO thankful. Pax of The Wood, EH someone. Get a man, from any walk of life, no judgment here, into the fold.
As always, we had announcements [Convergence Feb 20, The Assault March 12, Mud Run April 30, AO Fury begins Feb 16] and prayers [remember Dixie Chick’s family, his wife and he especially]