6 PAX joined “war daddy” for a little soul singing on Fury rd today.
a little warm up
a little practice
the singing: PAX grabbed 2 coupons each and moseyed to top of Fury rd where they did:
squats w coupon x 10, KBS x 10, tricep curl x 10, bicep curl x 10, OHP x 10….3 sets
leave coupon #1 at top, take coupon #2 to bottom of Fury rd…..at the bottom PAX do
10 merkins, 10 rows, 10 thrusters….leave coupon #2, run up to coupon #1 and repeat
until time is called
CoT…….countOrama, nameOrama, announcements, pray requests: Refugees 2.0, Judge Judys mother, many PAX injuries and issues…
praise report: Capris friends situation improves and is back on the positive side
Ball up, pray it out…
You guys are awesome…..for showing up during spring break, for puttin up w me, and just in general
i sincerely hope all of F3Greenwood has a great day where ever you are!!!!