4 PAX decide to dance with the “Lady in Red” known as Chelsea. What a fantastic song.
“And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
And I have never had such a feeling,”
The workout definitely took our breath away.
The Thang
“Chelsea” – Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM). So you start work at top of every minute, finish work, then rest until the top of the next minute. 30 minutes cumulative.
30 rounds – 5 Pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
(For the folks not good at math, that’s a cumulative 150 pull-ups, 300 merkins, 450 squats)
Juggernaut with an epic prayer. (I’d like to have a pray off between Capri, Duggar, and Juggernaut. They all bring the heat)
Proud off the entire 4 horsemen for making it through all of the work.
Refugee working 3rd shift next week, so posting will be limited. (Since first jumping the fence, this guy has really been a beast posting everywhere)
Have I mentioned I love Red Friday? Anyone, and I mean anyone, who is a regular F3 PAX should try it. I have no doubt you can get through the workout. Everything can be modified. Come check it out!