F3 Greenwood

I’ll never forget standing one of the longest lines of my life at the old Apollo Theater, just to see a movie about a Ship VS Iceberg.  I’m sure most of you guys that grew up around Greenwood remember very well when Titanic came to the Apollo.  Some of you older guys probably took your girl friends or wives to see it.  YHC on the other hand was only 8 years old and drug by my parents to witness this tragic event.  I’m not talking about the actual disaster but the 3 hour & 14 minutes worth of my life that I wont get back.  It probably would have been better if my mom didn’t embarrass me so much by standing up and forcing her hands over my eyes during the best scene for an 8 year old boy.  Anyway we all remember that movie and how much attention surrounded it so I got to thinking. Since YHC has the Q at the Shipyard, why not do a Titanic based theme.  This was either going to be a major hit or a major flop.

8 PAX arrived to a Parking Lot with Céline Deion playing out of YHC truck’s speakers and were probably thinking ” What have we gotten ourselves into?”

IT STRUCK 8:15 so no time to waist


50’s-60’s. Perfect!

Mosey from Flag to coupons and circle up


20x SSH IC

15x Imperial Walkers IC

13x Cut The Grass IC

20x LBC’s IC

15x Whirley Boys IC

Mosey to cone on Football Field

PAX partnered up by 1’s & 2’s

Partner 1: Rose  Partner 2: Jack

The Thang

Get to the Top of the Ship, we are Sinking!

PAX will do a Partner workout and then run around the course laid out by cones to get to the next level on the Ship.  It takes 3 levels to get to the Top.

First Level:

  • 15  Under/Overs w/ Partner. Switch places 15 Under/Overs again. Run Through Course

Second Level:

  • 10 See Saws w/ Partner. Switch places 10 See Saws again. Run Through Course

Third Level:

  • 20 Partner Pull-Ups. Switch places 20 Partner Pull-Ups again. Run Through Course

(Grab a Coupon and head to the Concrete Monster)

There Are No Life Boats, We Have To Repel Down!

Both PAX stand at the Top of the Concrete Monster.

  • Jack- Holds an Al Gore Squat w/ Coupon at cone on top of the CM
  • Rose- Backwards Bear Crawls Down the CM to the 2nd cone


  • Jack- Backwards Bear Crawls Down the CM to the 2nd cone
  • Rose- Holds an Al Gore Squat w/ Coupon at the 2nd cone

Once PAX reunite, both run back up the CM and Repeat 2x

(Take Coupon to the Football Field)

I’ll Never Let Go

Pax line up facing each other with coupon in front of them on the 20 yard line.

  • 50 Patty Cake Block Merkins

( Once PAX hit 25, Jack says out loud ” Don’t Let Go Rose”)

(Once PAX hit 50, Rose say out loud ” I’ll Never Let Go”)

  • PAX Then Mexican Hop Backwards for 20 Yards with their arms stretched out in front.

Circle up for 8 Minutes of Mary

PAX choice

15x Partner Squats Back to Back

15x Merkins IC

10x Spin Squats

20x LBAC with Squats IC Forward & Backward

20x Mountain Climbers

10x Merkins (AGAIN) IC- Thanks Flipper

10 Burpess OYO

25 V-Ups OYO

50 Whirly Boys OYO

Mosey to Shovel Flag


8 PAX! Great even number for a partner workout



Life is going to send Icebergs your way and try to make you break and sink. Most of the time they come unexpected and can crush your spirit.  Its up to us to put or trust in God and put on his armor so that when the Icebergs come, they wont be able to destroy us.


There is a lot of them so guess what I’m going to say… READ THE NEWSLETTER!


NakedMan Moleskin

  • There has been a lot of Mumble Chatter about this Q since YHC posted about it on twitter.  The PAX that showed up knew that today would be special and I hope I made it worth there while.
  • There was a lot of Laughter today which I enjoy.  Its great to have a good body workout and let loose a little.
  • All PAX played along in the sinking of he ship. As a matter of fact there was some Shouting when I told them we had hit an iceberg.
  • YHC had forgotten how long 20 yards is during the Backwards Hops.  Especially when you cant see the cone to finish
  • During the Partner Back to Back Squats, YHC forgot the height difference between myself and Round Up.  Needless to say during demonstration we got stuck at the bottem and couldn’t get back up.
  • Pusher had us doing a crazy chicken dance during LBACs, Meatloaf would love trying that next time.

Today we a good day and everybody pushed themselves and each other. PAX worked really well together on the partner workouts and hopefully learned some new exercises to take with them.

As always its a pleasure & I’ll see you guys out there next time.
