F3 Greenwood

With Sugar and MeterMaid dodging #HellWeek, YHC knew he needed to make this day easy so as to maximize the regret those two would feel when the #WarStories started leaking out about what went down at the Shipyard. By the way, has anyone seen the Shipyard’s shovel flag?


  • A brisk 64° and fairly muggy



  • SSH x 50 IC
  • LBC x 50 IC
  • Squats x 40 OYO
  • LBAC x 25 IC forward
  • LBAC x 25 IC reverse
  • OH claps x 25 IC

The Thang

  • Partner up and mosey over to the wall at the gym for a new movement – the wall walk
  • P1 runs to far end of parking lot and does 10 burpees
  • P2 does wall walks until P1 returns
  • Flapjack


  • Mosey over to the flag pole (“Now THAT’S a shovel flag!”)
  • 100 burpees, sets of 10. Call em out! #CrowdPleaser


  • Mosey over to the student parking lot
  • Sprint to each row of parking spaces and do 10 merkins (4 rows)
  • Flutterkicks x 25 IC
  • Sprint to each row of parking spaces and do 10 jungleboi squats
  • WhirleyBoys x 25 IC
  • Suicide sprint all four rows and far curb at edge of parking lot
  • Mosey over to the retaining wall
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • 30 second rest
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • Mosey around back of school and sprint up the concrete monster
  • 22 merkins for #22KILL to raise awareness for the 22 veterans who will commit suicide today



  • Welcome FNG Hosed!



  • BabyBlu has three pairs of guys set up for Whetstone. This is a powerful relationship where one man actively sharpens another. YHC can attest to the fact that it makes an enormous impact on a man’s life. Do it.
  • New digital platform. We need funds and we need talent. Give what you can. #CheckStrokers can donate via PayPal to F3Greenwood@gmail.com
  • Lots of other stuff. Check out the newsletter.

Prayer Requests

  • Mac n’ Cheese’s son (health)
  • Spud and family
  • Bartley family


  • Closed out by YHC

Optional Devo (some stayed, some left)

The book of Esther is one of the most interesting canonical works. It never mentions the name of God, though his presence is very apparent throughout. Esther is a Jewish girl who is chosen by Xerxes, king of Persia, as a wife. Mordecai, a Jewish man, learns of a plot to kill the Jews and tells Esther she must go to the king and ask him to stop the slaughter from happening. In those days, you didn’t go to the king unless you were summoned and Esther knew it could very well cost her life. Mordecai said to her, “Perhaps you have been saved for such a time as this.”

Have we been saved for such a time as this? We are seeing a resurgence of active male leadership in our community, but there are still too many men asleep at the wheel. It is incumbent upon us to reach these men. Perhaps we have been saved for such a time as this.

The only way to reach men with a life changing message is to let them see the indisputable evidence of a changed life. No one can argue with you about F3 making an impact if you are a noticeably better man, husband, father and community leader; if you are truly embracing the #IAmThird concept.

NakedMan Moleskin

  • You should come, they said. It will be fun, they said. Well, maybe not 100 burpess… Sorry, Hosed!
  • Overheard while on a mosey: “Are all the workouts like this?” “Yea, they are all like this. Well, every once in a while there is a Smokefest, but the rest of them are like this.” Aye.
  • “Speed bump!”
  • Appreciate Pusher sharing highlights from Survivor during the second wall sit. It was a welcome distraction from the pain.
  • YHC thought he heard, “Are you freakin’ serious?” when he rallied the pax for mosey after the parking lot suicide. Apparently, I was serious.
  • Benedict blew smoke as he dogged it through the suicide, then sprinted the last 20 yards like he stole a TV while shouting, “I thought this was supposed to be a sprint!”
  • YHC was flying all over town in the minivan prior to the workout so that Fury could have a flag. Pulled in hot at Fury, Planted the flag, waved at MeterMaid sitting in his car (on Slack apparently), MeterMaid waved back and YHC red-lined the grocery getter to make it over to Shipyard on time. Upon arriving, YHC asked who had the Shipyard flag. Alpo replied, “MeterMaid ha sit.” Wait…wha?
  • #TClaps to Alpo for putting in three-and-a-half miles before boot camp. #Overachiever
  • Has anyone seen RoundUp?
  • Cool moment as everyone was about to leave. Pusher led us all in a quick prayer for Blueprint’s ankle, which was visibly swollen at the end of the workout.
  • Always a pleasure to lead the men of the Shipyard, with or without a flag!

Ay! Jugz out!