F3 Greenwood

A dozen PAX made a commitment to #GetBetter in the #Gloom in spite of the #Mumblechatter that YHC would be looking to celebrate a big win for the Eagles the night before. Somewhere along the line, Meatloaf hit his head and thought he had the Q, but we straightened things out and, ultimately, the PAX are gonna get smoked regardless if its YHC or Meatloaf on the controls. YHC led some discussion of what F3 is about and what it means to #LiveThird.



  • SSH x 40 IC
  • Hand Rabbit Burpees x 10 OYO #CrowdPleaser
  • Count off 1’s and 2’s
  • Indian Run to the Gazebo


  • Chipper 50-40-30-20-10 reps
    • Box jumps
    • Dips
    • Incline Merkins (switch to decline merkins in round of 20)
  • Indian run to football field
  • Merkin Ladder
    • Start at goal line on the side line
    • Sprint to other sideline – 15 merkins
    • Sprint up to 10 yard line and back across field – 14 merkins
    • Sprint up 10 yards and across field and decrease merkins by 1 all the way down to 5
    • 20 burpees in the end zone
  • Mosey to flag
  • 6MOM
    • Chaser LBCs x 30 IC
    • Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
    • Chaser LBCs x 20 IC
    • Merkins x 10 IC
    • Meatloaf hijacks the Q
    • Al Gore burpees x 10
    • LBAC x 15 IC forward
    • LBAC x 15 IC reverse
    • OH Claps x 1 million IC (kinda)
    • Meatloaf wakes up and returns the Q
    • Polly called some SSH to wrap things up



  • Welcome Friar Tuck’s 2.0 Alex Hite as Fetcher


  • #BigBang in Augusta next Saturday. Meet at #Epicenter at 0500 SHARP! Plan on being gone until noon. Look for an email with info on Wednesday.
  • We lead the third of #SixSaturdays on Nov. 21. We will be putting out more information on expectations and responsibilities of the PAX if they go. These expectations and responsibilities come from F3. Please follow them!

Prayer Requests

  • Peaches is having surgery on his ear Friday.
  • Smoky’s daughter running into walls, etc.
  • Cartel’s dad has cirrhosis of the liver and was diagnosed with cancer of the liver so there are no treatment options apart from a transplant. Please pray/reach out if you can.


  • Friar Tuck prayed for us in spite of YHC’s short notice. Even on the spot, he took us to the throne of grace!

NakedMan Moleskin

  • YHC promised to be wearing his #SmokeBoots and the workout proved it was true!
  • #TClaps to Coach K who opted for decline merkins during the entire chipper part of the workout
  • YHC went #Chippendales during the chipper, but quickly recovered his sanity before the merkin ladder
  • Snake Oil and Polly are no longer allowed to sit together. #Disruptive
  • YHC took the opportunity to discuss the purpose behind F3. In the wake of the flooding and the unnecessary drama surrounding the mud run, YHC made it clear that F3 is about #LivingThird. We post for each other, not ourselves. Some great pieces of personal testimony from some of the PAX about how F3 has impacted their lives.
  • As always, it was a pleasure leading the PAX

Personal Note

  • In May, my oldest boy was in a pretty serious golf cart accident in which his ankle was crushed. His recovery is still not complete. I was a member at our local CrossFit affiliate, but was looking for a deeper connection that involved more than the gym. I was also participating in the Pathfinder ruck training program and saw UHaul from Florence posting a lot of stuff about F3 and asked about it. Turns out I knew many of the guys in F3 Greenwood, but there were many I did not know. My first week in F3, my son spent in the hospital with an infection in his bone. I was swarmed with emails, phone calls and text messages from guys asking how my family was doing. I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from the PAX and knew I had found the answer to the problem that I had. I picked up a copy of Freed to Lead and read it almost entirely in one night. I have since read it cover-to-cover six times. Every time I learn something new about #SadClownSyndrome and #TheSolution. I am a better man, netter husband, better father and better leader in my community because of F3 and the men who represent it. I have made some incredible friendships across the state and did things I never would have done without the benefit of F3. Bottom Line – this organization is about serving our world, first at home and then in our community. It’s more than just a morning workout. But the workouts are pretty cool!