Conditions: 70* F and Humid
Welcome to South Carolina.
5 Burpees OYO
10 Imperial Walkers IC
20 Side Straddle Hops IC
30 Jungle Boi Squats OYO
40 Plank Jacks IC
60 LBACs (30 forward/30 reverse) all IC
The Thang:
Mosey from the shovel flag to the far end of the soccer field.
All Exercises are done together as a group.
Round 1:
4 minutes worth of Planking (This produced a copious amount of mumblechatter)
15 Squats IC
10 Merkins (up/down on my call)
20 Calf Raises IC
15 Monkey Humpers IC
Round 2:
3 minutes worth of Planking
30 Flutter Kicks IC
10 Merkins (up/down on my call)
20 Calf Raises IC
20 Monkey Humpers IC
Round 3:
2 minutes worth of Planking
30 Squats IC
10 Merkins (up/down on my call)
20 Calf Raises IC
20 LBACs (10 forward/10 reverse) IC
Round 4:
Some Yoga (ask the pax in attendance if they thought this was easy)
- Warrior Lunge 1 Right
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Baby Cobra
- Child Pose
- Forward Fold
- Mountain Pose
- Warrior Lunge 1 Left
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Baby Cobra
- Child Pose
- Down Dog
- Forward Fold
- Mountain Pose
1 minute Plank
Count: 8 pax
2nd F Lunch
Prayer Request:
Pooh Bear – Business
Blue Ball – Biopsy Results