F3 Greenwood

9 pax decided to get in a pre Easter workout at the Shipyard, courtesy of Baby Blu. The weather was a humid 58 degrees. Field conditions were damp with the morning dew.

Squats 20IC
Merkins 5 (up/down command)
Burpees 1

Main Thang
Mosey to near sideline for some blackjack. Sprint to far sideline do 20 LBCs, sprint back to original sideline and do 1 merkin. Then sprint back to other sideline and do 19 LBCs then return to near sideline and do 2 merkins, rinse and repeat continue decreasing LBCs down to 1 and increasing merkins to 20. The whole day was absent of mumblechatter as the pax were concentrating on getting the work done. Special K and Splinter were leading from the front and pushing everyone. After about 20 minutes time was called most had finished or were close to finishing.

Part 2

Partner up, everybody grab a partner and each pair grab a coupon and mosey to the base of the concrete monster for DORA. Partner 1 stays at bottom of hill and does work, while partner 2 runs up the steps hitting every step, then does 10 tricep extensions (after 4 or 5 sets the tricep extensions were changed to 5) then runs carefully down the hill replacing partner 1. Flip-flop

Work to be done at bottom of hill.
50 burpees
100 overhead presses
150 rows
200 curls
300 block presses

All work was completed with about 10 minutes left so YHC had to improvise. The pax ran to the benches behind the school for some box jumps and merkin work. 3 sets were done by each pax,

1st set: 10 box jumps/10 decline merkins
2nd set: 10 boa jumps/10 derkins
3rd set: 10 box jumps/10 werkins

Pax ran back to the base of the monster and jumped in the corner for the wrap up, a 2 minute wall sit.

Grabbed coupons return to the stack and circled up for the COT




Devotion and prayer- It is finished! Jesus’ last words before his death on the cross. It is important that we finish what we start. As men, we are given a responsibility. We are to love our God, to love and protect our wives and to let them know we love them. Were are to share our faith with others, especially our children. Each day, we have jobs and tasks that we finish. It is always a good feeling to finish these tasks. Each of us are still working to complete the task that we are assigned from our Lord and savior. It will not be finished until we breath our last breathe. Happy Easter!

Announcements- we’re pretty much skipped. Mention was made about Whetstone, Howard’s, and upcoming Mud runs. Some heard them some didn’t. Remember, I am not a professional.