So, Thursday was a tough day at Fury. YHC was the only one to show up. Work still got done, though. Not YHC’s first solo post, but hopefully the last!
In spite of the small turnout, the disclaimer was issued and away we (read: I) went. Warm up jog around the Fury lap. Once back at the pull-up bars, it’s time to get to work.
JT – 21-15-9
- Pull-ups
- Dips
- Merkins (werkins, merkins, derkins)
Fran – 21-15-9
- Thrusters
- Pull-ups
Helen – 3 rounds
- 400m run
- 21 KB swings
- 12 pull-ups
Cool down jog around the Fury lap
- 126 pull-ups
- 63 KB swings
- 45 dips
- 45 merkins
- 45 thrusters
- 75 miles
Too bad you missed it. YHC was taken to a very dark place mentally that nearly broke him down. But, alas, things are not always easy and we must deal with the circumstances before us. No excuses. Never quit. Aye.
What YHC thought was a terrible thing turned about to be a very revealing time of self reflection. How hard can you push when there is no one there to encourage you? When your grunts and groans ring out across the landscape like pleas for release from the mental anguish going it alone creates? When all you want to do is quit and no one would ever know any different?
It’s in our darkest momenta that our true character is revealed. Don’t run to the light men; you ARE the light. Find some darkness and change some lives, starting with your own.
Aye. Jugz out!