F3 Greenwood

YHC took this Q from Alpo who is having reactor issues. Good news is the reactor won’t mess up his date with the BRR. YHC was looking to control the work being applied to his legs at this point so it was a convient opportunity and it’s been a long time since I’ve Q’d.

Disclaimer given you will not be killed today and your legs won’t be worked but we will do some work and get better. We will also discuss form and how to avoid the trap of doing tons of reps but with bad form.

10 IW IC
10 LBAC F & B IC
10 Squats IC
10 Merkins OYO
10 Flutterkicks IC
20 Heels Taps IC
Mosey to Coupons and circle up on soccer field
15 Lat Pulls OYO
25 Chest Press IC
15 Curls IC
10 Alpos OYO
Mosey to Roundhouse
15 Dips OYO
15 Incline Merkins OYO
20 Overhead Claps IC
10 Decline Merkins OYO
15 Freddy Mercury IC
15 Reverse Crunches OYO
15 Iron Crosses OYO
10 6 Inches IC
15 Lawn Mowers OYO
15 Tricep Ext OYO
15 Lawn Mowers OYO
15 Curls IC
20 Bent Rows OYO
Mosey to Soccer Field
While waiting on the 6 the following was done.
25 Heels Taps OYO
High Plank
Low Plank
6 is in Recover
10 Mountainn Climbers IC
10 Workins OYO
15 Moraccan Night Club IC
10 Carolina Drydocks OYO
10 V-Ups OYO
15 WW2 OYO
10 Hello Dolly IC
15 Dying Coachroaches IC
15 Kettle Bell OYO
15 Side Bends OYO
25 Overhead Press OYO
10 Front Press OYO
10 We’re Not Worthy OYO

Countorama – 10 PAX

Nameorama – Welcome Hump FNG Chris Johnson

Annoucements – So many we are going to have to start saying read the news letter again.
Race the Helix Doubledown
Convergence and Q School 9-17
PTSD Dinner 9-20
BRR 9-8

Prayer Request
Roach 2.0
Blue Ball
Rodman and Family
Bambi brother

In the same way we won’t get better physical if we only do part of the exercise or give half effort we won’t get getter spiritually if we pick and choose parts of the Word we want to apply to our lives.

BOM Prayer Meatloaf


This was not a hard workout but work was done. If you can to be pushed to your physical limits I let you down today.

It was great to be back home where it all began. I enjoyed posting with the Shioyard guys but there is nothing like the Epicenter.

With the BRR looming YHC is avoiding heavy leg work if at all possible. There are no gains to be made at this point and I want to be as fresh as possible for the run. Still running every day but just short distances and at an easy pace.

The reason I’m in F3 is to help, equip, encourage, lead men into their God given roles as leaders first and foremost in their homes with their wives first then their kids. This is my passion and F3 is a vehicle for me to be able to live out that passion. If you haven’t noticed I’m a pretty level headed guy but what fets me excited are things like how awesome it has been seeing so many men open up and share some deep feelings. We don’t often do this as men so for me it’s special when it happens. It’s also great to share this with your wife and kids. If you spend anytime with your kids they slready think your superman but even superman fails at times, just ask Polly about the movie. Seriously though we need to model how to handle failure and brokenness as much as success and triumph. I don’t know about you but at times I fee like I fail more than I succeed. If we don’t learn how to handle both success and failure the results could be devistating and ripple effects.

Meatloaf Out