F3 Greenwood

Just 12 PAX were brave enough to take their #DRP in the chilly October #Gloom at the #Epicenter Saturday morning. YHC had plans to take them from Boyz II Men with a heavy dose coupon-laden manmakers. Some PAX were disappointed to see YHC on Q, particularly after the burpeefest from a few weeks ago. So we did the only thing we could do – start with more burpees. #CrowdPleaser



  • 25 burpees OYO – Hey, it wasn’t 100 was it?
  • Count off 1s and 2s. 1s partner up with 2 to your left
  • Grab a coupon and mosey to football field

The Thang

  • 21-15-9
    • 1s at 50 yd line, 2s at near goal line
    • 21-15-9 – 50 yd line = manmakers; Goal line = thrusters
    • P1 does 21 manmakers at 50 while P2 does 21 thrusters at goal line
    • When both PAX finish 21 reps – flapjack
    • Continue until both PAX complete 21-15-9 of each movement
    • Sprint to far fence then back to near goal line
    • 50 burpees – only one partner works at a time
    • Pays to be a winner. First pair finished rests, rest plank for the six
  • Greta
    • 100 manmakers – 200 KB swings – 300 thrusters
    • P1 works on goal line
    • P2 runs with coupon to opposite goal line, drops coupon there and runs back
    • P2 works at goal line
    • P1 runs to other goal line, grabs coupon and runs back with it
  • Mosey back to flag





  • #BigBang Augusta Nov. 7 We are leading workout on Nov. 21. Need to know names of who is HC for Nov. 21
  • Mud Run next Saturday. Both AOs open on normal schedule. We have 5 teams going down to compete in our first ever Mud Run!
  • Backblast are part of the Q! If you Q, then do your BB. They should be posted within 24 hours of the workout.
  • Need more guys to step up to Q. F3 is more than a workout. Check out the F3 mission statement!

NakedMan Moleskin

  • 8 Mile, the #WarBaby only single PAX present, said he would never date a girl named Greta. Ever.
  • YHC thought he designed a workout that made Lite Brite tired. Then noticed that Lite Brite only stopped to remove his sweatshirt and it was back to machine as usual…
  • Polly, the #WarDaddy, posted #REDFriday last week as penance for #FartSacking the previous Thursday. He paid penance Saturday for #FartSacking on #REDFriday this week…
  • Great work by all the PAX. YHC even began to doubt the reasoning behind so many manmakers. But then remembered they didn’t like the burpees… Be careful what you ask for, especially when you ask to do no more burpees.
  • #Kotters to Tickle and Snake Oil!
  • YHC cemented his legacy as a goofball by invoking multiple references to cheesy, 1990s R&B.