25 pax (1 FNG) posted for some mosey fun and shirtless entry prep. Welcome Flea (aka Matt Dorn)
YHC planned an upper body slaughterhouse that was tested out at the Epicenter on Tuesday. Of course being that it wasn’t raining and the fact that it was The Yard, it had to be cranked up a notch. So a few more reps of hurt were added which was really good, but it began to weigh heavily that it might be tough to remember during the actual workout. YHC’s solution was to find an old whiteboard that the M had in the attic and put the list on it, unfortunately it took longer than expected. When the trusty Silver Bullet cranked up, there was only 7 minutes to make it the 6.2 miles to The Yard. It’s certain that there was lots of mumblechatter leading up to 0515, because when YHC pulled in and jumped out of the car, he was slammed with it from almost every pax. Lucky for them YHC has been the goat of many musters and knew the recipe was to get the shindig going quickly!
“Where’s the flag?” “Who’s got the flag?” “To the field, let’s go!!”
Conditions – Clear skies and cool 51 deg temp
Warm Up
Run from the cone in the field (freshly placed) to the bottom of the Concrete Monster and back. Performing exercises at both ends of the run. YHC had intended on this being a 10 to 1 event, but yelled out 11 squats to start. No worries, we weren’t wasting the time it took to get to 1 anyways.
CM – Squats x11
Field – SSH x1
*After 8 mins, the recover was sounded with the direction to grab a coupon and circle back up.
Here it was important to demonstrate the Trap Pulls, that YHC was inputting as a new exercise. (Tell them, show them, do it with them, then let them do it on their own.)
Trap Pulls x20 IC
Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions x10
Trap Pulls x15
Standing Horizontal Chest Presses x20
Kettle Bell Swings x25
Curls x30
Bench Presses x35
Mosey to the parking lot in front of the gym for Bonnie Blairs x10, then mosey back.
Rinse and Repeat for 20 mins
Put the coupons back and meet up in front of the concessions stand. Waiting for the six in the leaning rest position. After all 25 pax made it to the new work site, it was time to discuss #22Kill while in the leaning rest. After details were provided, and some EH’ing had taken place to stop a vet and just say thank you, it was time to push’em out.
Merkins x22
Once done the recover was sounded, and YHC noticed that his diabolical plan had been foiled by the yellow caution tape placed across the entrance of the stadium stairs. DANG IT! No stadium runs today! YHC made the call to modify like this:
Run from the bottom of the CM to the schools flag pole out front and then back, doing work at each end.
Flag pole – Merkins x10
CM – Monkey Humpers x10
*While on the initial run to the flag pole, YHC realized exactly how far it was between points and made a quick audible to do work at the corner of the front office instead of the flag pole.
2 rounds were completed and the leaning rest was in order waiting on the six.
Once the six had finished the last set of monkey humpers, it was time to move to the 3rd and final phase of the wod.
Mosey to the back courtyard and perform the following:
Bench Jumps x20
Merkins x10
After these exercises were complete, it was time to mosey back to the flag for the COT.
Counterama, Namerama
– Relay 4 Life tomorrow night 1800-0000
– Convergence next Saturday 5/14 0630 at the Epicenter (All other AO’s will be closed)
– Coffeeteria at Howard’s afterwards
– Whetstone info/discussion at Howard’s
– Connie Maxwell Campout 5/20-21
– 2ndF at Fusion today at 1245
Prayer Requests
– Refugee and his family
– Spud and his family
– Mac & Cheese’s son Ryan
– Piddler’s sister-in-law has surgery
– Meatloaf
Naked ManMoleskin
– Welcome Flea! (aka Matt Dorn) Your nickname should have been Cinco.
– Welcome back Round Up. Glad to see you squeezed us in between the Hyacinths and the scenic pics of lake shores.
– YHC knew there was going to be an electric charge to the pax after showing up 1 minute late. Apparently there was some disagreement about who should lead the wo if the Q didn’t post. I’m glad to see that multiple pax were ready and willing to distribute there best forms of pain!
– When the warm up was started, there was a large percentage (99.99%) that were ecstatic that they were getting to participate in such a great warm up. YHC was especially proud of how Capri displayed his appreciation for the such that when the recover was called he blurted out, “That’s a good thing too. That was starting to get old and monotonous!”
– While demonstrating the new Trap Pull exercise, YHC called out IC, but instead counted the reps for the groups. Cobains, the energy was definitely flowing. You always keep a ship going once it starts moving in the right direction.
– “Where’s Mislead?” was called out when 1 or 2 of the pax finished the first round and started the run to the Bonnie Blairs. It was at least another 4-5 mins before the next pax finished and started running. Capri added that he “just don’t know how to count that fast!”
– YHC was late trying to find the board so that the pax wouldn’t complain that they couldn’t remember the order of the exercises. Apparently Benedict couldn’t see the 3’x3′ board from where he was and decided it was easier to complain than to mosey over and take a look.
– YHC remembers fondly how much he loved to be in the leaning rest for sustained periods of time while his Naval instructors would distribute long forms of information and instructions. This is something that is meant to be shared, so hopefully the pax will learn to love it as well!
– During the run to flag pole it was duly noted that the number one questions was, “I thought this was supposed to be a Boot Camp and not a run day.” “Hey Alpo, did you forget that run days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday?” And even when YHC made the audible to shorten the length of the run, “That’s a funny looking flag pole.” “Where’s the flag pole?” “Alpo, did you forget what a flag pole looked like, or did you get lost?”
– On the mosey to the flag for the COT, YHC got all the way there and realized his handy dandy electronic namerama recording device was leaning against the fence at the bottom of the CM. With a hard quick sprint to retrieve said recording device, YHC heard the pax loud and clear, “Hurry up! We’ve been waiting on you ALL Day Alpo!” Aye, ALL Day!
– YHC had a few more incidental zingers as it has come to be with most of YHC’s COT’s. The crowd pleasers were “We’re here to sharpen each other’s blades.” “Come in the middle of the circle and we’ll ask you some penetrating questions.”
– “Who were the two guys that LIFO’d?”
“Sour and Blue Print”
“Blue Print’s right here Alpo.”
“Naw man, he left earlier. I saw him heading to his car.”
“Hey Alpo, He’s standing right here.”
“Oh ok? Well who left then?”
“I think it was Sour and Chubs.”
“Yeah Chubs isn’t here, it was him.”
“Where’d we get 25, there’s only 23 of us?”
“That’s because Sour and Blue Print had to leave.”
“No Alpo, Blue Print is right here.”
“Oh yeah, I meant Chubs and Sour.”
“Where’s Blue Print?”
The pax were excited to be out in the gloom this morning. From the moment I arrived, they were bubbling over with energy and mumblechatter. They responded well to their late Q with exuberance and excitement. Effort was made by all. It was a pleasure to lead such fine men.
JKS – Alpo