F3 Greenwood

5 men posted at Talon to climb up and down some imaginary ladders.

Grab a coupon and line up on the imaginary goal line. Mosey to the imaginary 10, 20, 30, 40, & 50 yard lines and complete the exercises as instructed.

Imaginary Ladder #1

Up: Burpees x 1/2 the yard line number (5 at the 10, 10 at the 20, and so on)

Down: Ab Exercise of choice x the yard line number (50 at the 50 and so on)

Imaginary Ladder #2

Up: Curls x the yard line number

Down: Bent Over Rows x the yard line number

Imaginary Ladder #3

Up: Merkins x 1/2 the yard line number

Mosey to the opposite imaginary goal line and back to the imaginary 50 yard line

Down: merkins x 1/2 the yard line number

Imaginary Ladder #4

Up: Squats x the yard line nunber

Mosey to the opposite imaginary goal line and back to the imaginary 50 yard line

Down: Lunge Step back to the imaginary goal line.




  • It was cold. Until the 3rd set of Burpees.
  • Cold clings to Coupons until you grab onto them. Then the cold jumps on your hands.
  • The speaker used this morning only projected sound out for about 30 yards. So we missed most of the playlist. Which if you want to catch up, just listen to AC/DC’s & GnR’s greatest hits and you’ll pretty much have it covered.
  • It doesn’t take much body contact with the ground to defrost the frost.
  • With football season being over the field is no longer painted (hence all the imagination needed) and the grass was a little higher than normal. But not too bad.
  • The group stayed together and ab work was done, when needed, to wait on the 6.
  • Tweeter was a little late and owes some Burpees. Probably because he couldn’t find his pants. Pretty sure he was the only one with bare legs.
  • Even low reps, when repeating multiple sets, can bring muscle fatigue.
  • Solid work by all.

Until the next Q,

The Meter is paid in full