13 PAX showed up for a 50 cent inspired workout at Greenwood’s Fury. YHC was happy and somewhat surprised with the excellent turnout. In designing the workout, I was concerned about the length of time it was going to take. I expected 5-6 minutes of work at each station and approximately 15 minutes worth of run time to make the lap around Fury Land. This proved to be pretty dang close to how it went down.
Warm-up – “Ain’t nobody got time for dat”
“Tha Thang”
All exercises OYO:
Run to Dog Park Gazebo
50 Box Jumps,
50 Merkins
50 Freddy Mercurys (count one leg)
Run to the Dentist Office
50 Jungle Boi Squats
50 Merkins
50 Big Boy Situps
Run to CPW Plant
50 SSH
50 Merkins
50 Flutter Kicks (count one leg)
Run to Fury Road
2 Times up Fury Rd to Grass area in front of Merrywood
20 V-ups at top 20 Mtn Climbers at Bottom
****Modified at 5:40 AM to include 30 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 second Plank, and prayer in honor of F3 Lexington PAX member Walker’s son who about to pass****
Run to Flag/Pullup bar
50 Squats
50 Burpees
30 Pull Ups
Mosey to Flag