F3 Greenwood

Today marked the 33rd anniversary of the birth of YHC.  After much arm twisting from a few different PAX, but mainly Posh, I decided to try F3 in August 2015 after using the “I’m not morning person” excuse a few too many times.  The first workout I attended was Q’ed by Duggar and while doing about 100 OH Air Claps, I couldn’t decide if my arms were going to fall off or if my legs were going to fall off from lunges with coupons.  Over the past few months, the workouts haven’t gotten any easier, but I have definitely gotten better.  Not just better physically, but better as a husband, father, friend and community member.  F3 is more than a workout and I am living proof.



  • 12 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walker
  • 12 SSH
  • 15 LBAC
  • 12 SSH
  • 15 LBC


Main Football Field – 12 mins

  • 12 Manmakers
  • 15 KB Swings
  • 82 LBC
  • 33 Squats

Rinse and repeat until time expires

Indian Run to Big Parking Lot on Opposite Side of Campus

Parking Lot – 12 mins

  • 12 burpees
  • 15 merkins
  • 82 flutter kicks
  • 33 monkey humpers
  • lunge between light poles and repeat exercises at each light pole

Indian Run back to flag

6 MoM – PAX choice

  • mountain climber, american hammer, big boy sit-ups, 1 min plank



  • Christmas party at Mill House, Sunday @ 5, $10
  • Collection of items for family that lost house and all belongings due to fire on Monday


  • lots of good mumble chatter from PAX today
  • Indian run proved to be a crowd favorite, but PAX need a lesson in staying single file
  • amazing way to start a workout by seeing shooting star go over the Shipyard – overheard Alpo classify it has God shooting some fireworks over the F3 brethren
  • continue to keep Leaner’s family in prayers after the death of his father and grandmother within past few days

Always a pleasure to Q a workout at Shipyard and gather with other F3 men that are striving to #getbetter