F3 Greenwood

Its been a while since YHC has had the pleasure of being able to Q a workout but it feels great to be back in the swing of things. For this mornings #beatdown, I tried to think of a good full body workout that would be challenging but also manageable by most PAX.  I believe success was achieved in finding one by the PAX giving concerned stares as YHC gave the instructions.


60’s which felt perfect


I’m not a professional and I do not charge for this.


We began to Mosey around the Shipyard parking lot and stopping at different locations for Warm-ups.

First Stop:  SSH 15x IC

Second Stop: LBAC 15x IC For/Back/OH

Third Stop: LBC’s 20x IC

15 V-Ups OYO

15x Flutter Kicks IC

Fourth Location: at shovel flag/ 25x Toe Taps on Coupon IC

10x Jump Overs w/ Coupon OYO

(Grab coupon and take it to the center of the square made by cones on the Practice Field)

THE Thang

PAX count off by 2’s and partner up.  A’s &B’s

4 cones are set up making a 20 yard square in the middle of the field.

Get Me Off This Thing.

PAX (A) starts by going around the square performing an exercise at the start of each cone

PAX (B) is inside the square completing a set number exercise to free PAX (A)

Once PAX (B) completes the objective he switches with PAX (A) wherever he may be on the outside.

Round ends once both PAX have completed object given inside the square.

Round 1

Objective: Each PAX complete 40 Man Maker.

  • Outside Square: Bear Crawl to first cone/ Burpee Broad Jump to next cone/ Bear Crawl to next cone/ Burpee Broad Jump to beginning cone.
  • Inside Square: 20 Man Makers then switch with partner. This will happen twice.

Round 2

Objective: Each PAX complete 105 Jungle Boy Squats.

  • Outside Square: Lunge Walk to first cone/ Double Burpee Broad Jump to next cone/ Lunge Walk to next cone/ Double Burpee Broad Jump to beginning cone.
  • Inside Square: 35 Jungle Boy Squats then switch with partner.  This will happen three times.

Round 3

Objective: Each PAX complete 100 Block Merkins.

  • Outside Square: Triple Burpee Broad Jump to all cones
  • Inside Square: 50 Bloc Merkins then switch with partner. This will happen twice.

( Return Coupons)

20 Merkins for Vets


10 PAX!



F3 dads campout

1 year convergence this sat at 6:30 at Epiceneter.

Prayer Request

Injured PAX

Mr. Green at CPW got burned really bad at work.

Men and Women over seas


NakedMan Moleskin

  • All PAX seemed to enjoy the Mosey Warm-up.  Its a good way to get the blood really flowing before starting a workout.
  • The Toe Taps also was a crowd pleaser. YHC had only planned on going to 15 but Judge Judy said to go to 25.
  • There was a lot of MubleChatter during The Thang.  Most of it was from PAX getting tired of the Burpees.or talking about nipple cream for sore nips.
  • Crawfish/Judge Judy and Unplugged/Lacy seemed to be on it today by completing all the workouts the quickest. T Claps to you guys for pushing yourselves today.

Great Job today everybody! Thanks you guy for posting and having a good attitude today even with all the Burpees,
