Pax starting arriving but NOBODY was getting out of their car. What’s the dealeo…it’s only 23*! Finally, the bell strikes 5:14 and YHC leads the men to the rallying point! Shovel Flag nation. 3 stragglers, welcomed pax of course, mosey in at 5:16 and have missed portion of the all important WARM-UP.
SSH -20 IC
Morning Glory -20 IC
Cross Jacks -20 IC
Cuttin Grass -20 IC
The Thang: (this is where it gets nasty)
YHC called on the pax, with all quickness and agility, to line up facing each other. The man you are looking square in the eyes with…HE IS YOUR PARTNER! No single-mindedness out here, not this day. All # counts for exercises will be divisible by 9, today’s date. In honor of YHC’s beautiful, 21 year old, wife’s BIRTHDAY. Go grab a darn coupon (and if your cods are big enuf or brain small enuf, we haven’t determined which yet, grab a double stack coupon. Capri, alone. Dude is a beast, period.) and run to North P-lot.
En route YHC heard chatter…”what’s wrong with the closer parking lot”, “how far we going”, “this block is friggin heavy” You d–n right it’s heavy…and we’re going all the way! Teams set up on parking lines. Pax 1 run suicides (starting at 1st white line, skipping line, going 4 touches out then back) while pax 2 begins exercises. Swap up after suicide complete. Cumulative counting:
27 Man-makers
36 Coupon Lunges (count ea leg)
54 Coupon Squats
63 Monkey Humpers
23 degrees outside and the sweat began to pour!
“What’s Q have in store for us next up here in the North parking lot?”, wondered the pax. NOTHING! Run your butts back to football field. Line up on the goal line. Pax 1, carrying his coupon [which, by the time it was all over Alpo had named his beloved Jezebel and BabyBlu was chanting the Coupon Creed!!], run to 50 and complete 18 Big Boy Sit-ups (w/o coupon unless you are a friggin MAN!). Pax 2 begin exercises, cumulative counting:
99 Overhead Block Press
135 Block Rows (YHC mathematical prowess proved too much for Sugar w this number, it is indeed divisible by 9!)
198 Block Curls
360 Bench Block Press
All the Pax finished w/in seconds of each other! With one last big hurrah the command came, “run around the four corners made by the cones WITH YOUR COUPON!” Depending on your political persuasion, we had some run to the left others to the right and, if your name is Plunger…it didn’t really matter, you just ran straight down the middle cutting corners and all!
WORD: Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength”