YHC had the honor of being substitute Q for the honorable JudgeJudy who is still reeling from some nagging injuries. While some of F3Greenwood PAX were at the Epicenter playing games with Polly, 27 (1 FNG – Elf) decided to come do work at TheShipyard.
15 ssh
15 grass cutter
15 imperial walker
15 moroccan nightclub
25 monkey humpers
20 thrusters
20 curls
15 thrusters
15 curls
10 thrusters
10 curls
5 thrusters
5 curls
All pax start on side line of football field and complete following work:
5 three way merkins (ménage a Trois merkins for the French) at sideline
Lunge walk to mid line of field
20 jungle boi squats
Bear crawl to far sideline
10 plyo merkins
Sprint back to original sideline
Rinse and repeat for 4 rounds
Round 1:
20 v-ups at flag
Run up stairs
20 v-ups at top of stairs
Run down concrete monster
20 v-ups at base of concrete monster
Run up concrete monster
20 v-ups at top of concrete monster
Run down stairs
20 v-ups at flag
Plank for the 6
Round 2: Freddie Mercury instead of v-ups
Round 3: reverse crunch instead of v-ups
6 MoM pax choice exercise
Prayer performed by local PrayerQ Duggar