22 pax posted for some Coupondemonium at the Shipyard. Work Was Done.
In case you haven’t noticed, YHC likes to try and mix things up at almost every available opportunity. It is especially evident during my Q’s that I want to expose the pax to different experiences, whether it is something new, or revived from a past post that hasn’t been done in a while. Today, it was time to forego working in various spots of The Yard for some good old fashioned Circle Up and Hurt.
Conditions – A warm & dry 56 degrees
Disclaimer – YHC is not a professional. Push yourselves to your limits, passed your limits, but don’t push yourselves so far that you get hurt.
CoP – Non-traditional of course.
Starting at the cone in the practice field, run up the stairs and down the Concrete Monster. Once at the bottom, perform SSH x25, then run back up the CM and down the stairs to the cone in the practice field. Once at the cone, perform Hello Dollies x25. Rinse and Repeat with the count descending by 5 after each lap. i.e. 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 (Note that this count will be performed for all exercises for the remainder of the workout)
The THANG – Circle Up and Hurt
Mosey to grab a coupon and then circle up at the flag in the center of the practice field.
Set 1
-Chest Presses – Vertical (on back)
-Triceps Extensions
Set 2
-V Ups
-BigBoy Sit Ups w/Coupon
-Reverse Crunches
Set 3
-Trap Squeezes
-Chest Presses – Horizontal (on knees)
Set 4
-Plank Jacks
Return the coupons and circle up
-Lunges x22 IC
-Merkins x23 IC (YHC was in the zone and accidentally added an extra rep)
– USMC Mud Run 4/30
– Relay 4 Life 5/6
– Connie Max Campout 5/20-21
– Whetstone (see BabyBlue)
– Slack is the now the means of communication. Twitter is now illegal and punishable by Burpee!
– Memorial Day Murph WOD (see Juggernaut)
– Pusher’s friend Shane Marie(?) mom had a seizure which led to the discovery of a tumor
– Fabio, Smokey’s parents, and YHC traveling – safe returns
– Smokey’s friend Dennis Clark lost his mother and brother last week
– Mac & Cheez’s son Ryan
– Refugee’s 2.0 needs a date for surgery soon
NakedMan Moleskin
-Tclaps to Meter Maid, Pothole, and Spud for joining YHC on a pre-post run. Spud doubled down for his first workout back after Tax Day.
-Smokey was bringing some serious heat in the parking lot about Duggar being a fair weather NFL fan. Pittsburgh’s QB was called out for past transgressions that he may or may not be innocent of. That stoked the Smoke Stack even more. It was an enjoyably aggressive pre-post huddle up in the parking lot.
-When the clock struck Go Time, YHC, flag in hand, led the unsuspecting pax to the center of the practice field where they instantly circled up. The CoP directions were barked out and YHC instantly started in on the non-traditional warm up, much to the dismay of the pax. “What happened to the normal warm up?” “I thought you said that there wouldn’t be any running!” “I sure am glad I decided to go run with you this morning, NOT!”
-All mumblechatter ceased as soon as the work began in the Circle of Hurt.
-Apparently False Start was breezing through his exercises, or he was in max flail mode, because Capri called him out continuously through the whole workout.
-Duggar had some interesting things to say, to which I promptly forgot.
-There was minimal chatter from the normal peanut gallery. Apparently Sugar, Meter Maid, and Pusher were having a good go at that shirtless entry we all tirelessly are working toward.
-It was good to see Benedict was able to make it out after the Stop, Drop, and Roll practice he was showing off at Hustle.
-It seems that the horizontal chest presses continue to be a crowd pleaser, especially on their knees. YHC has a few more variations that will be appearing soon at a post near you.
Work was done, but not like it normally is. Hopefully the pax enjoyed themselves and got better. YHC appreciates every opportunity to lead such fine men. The hope is that we take our sweat and toil and use it to better each other and our community. As always it was an honor.
JKS – Alpo