Today was YHC final Starbucks 5K Q ending a 3 week run of new route madness. Today was not exception as THC added his 3rd and final route, the triple loop hills.
Conditions: Cold but not as cold as a well digger wearing brass underwear in Idaho, or something like that Duggar tweeted out Monday night.
Disclaimer: I gave this correctly and on time and twice no doubt (I was so used to forgetting I forgot that I did give the disclaimer this morning. Thanks Kobyoshai for reminding me). That might be the 12th different way I’ve spelled his name in BB’s.
Route Explanation: I always lose the PAX while doing this. It’s difficult to capture that many alpha males attention at one time and they are winning because its 30 degrees. Anyway 4 routes to choose from:
- The OG: Up to CountyBank, around behind, back down movie lane, out at Advanced, Right at Waffle House and up to Sports Break to conquer the dreaded hill, end back at Starbucks.
- The Super Dangerous: To scary to explain
- The XL: Down to Grace, Right on Laurel, up to Montague, make a left down to Fatz, Right go by post office and round by Tractor Supply, Left back on Bypass and end at Starbucks
- The Coffee House Double Back: Down to Birchtree, Right on Montague, Left on ByPass, Left at Waffle House, Left on montague, Down to Fatz and hang a Left, By Post Office and over to Tractor Supply, Left on Bypass and back to Starbucks
Let’s Roll
Countorama: 30 PAX new Starbucks and run record
Nameorama: One FNG welcome Tubbs, Crocketts son, he didn’t get it at all, classic
- I’m so behind on BB’s can’t remember if Convergence was past during this time or not
- The Assault March 12th promises to assault your body and possibly your pride. Post for the challenge, I am.
- Run your Ice Off, this is possibly what prompted the record.
- Refugee welcomes his second 2.0 and 1st son into the world tomorrow! Says he will post Monday and bets are already being placed. My money is on Refugee, he hopped the fence and hasn’t stopped since. I see a Q for him in the near future. Already got one FNG, Thumper posting in 19* weather, #tclaps
- Sugar and Family
- Juggernaut, where do we start… He is certainly being sharpened by the Lord right now. Lend your support and reach out to him. Passion for F3 and making better men un-paralleled. Sometimes taken the wrong way but always seeking the best interest of the PAX and seeking to promote, push, pull, whatever it takes to improve the leadership of the PAX. Always wants everyone to #getbetter never think otherwise men.
BOM: YHC closed by challenging the PAX to truly take the #DRP by denying ourselves, picking nup our cross and following Him!
- After the run YHC overheard Mac&Cheese and Cornbread discussing the fact that they had been to Sports Break many times but never notice they drove up a mountain to get there. Aye! it is a beast of a finish!
- Uncle Jesse picked up the tab for anyone registered for the Run Your Ice Off. #tclaps and thanks!
- PAX continue to set PR’s and run longer distances on this run. The PAX are getting stronger and hitting their stride.
- Kobyoshai noted he ran in new zones and set a PR and this thoroughly puzzled the PAX, YHC included as to what these new zones where????
- Pretty sure YHC was the only one to run the newest route today. Must have been my explaining or the PAX are just tired of me Q’ing. Either way this ended my three weeks of tyranny over the PAX with all my foolery with new routes. Safe to go back to status que now….