F3 Greenwood

14 pax decided they would not melt in the rain and posted at the Shipyard for a repeat performance of the block party YHC had at the Epicenter a couple of weeks ago. We are still in the season of giving and it just did not feel right for the Shipyard pax to miss out on this gift of pain! Since it rains a couple of inches every other day now, the Shipyard was in perfectly soggy conditions. The pax would definitely be the Soggy Bottom Boys after the festivities. Let’s roll!

Mosey to coupons and then to Game Field to circle up around the shovel flag! Thankfully the pax tightened their shoe laces because the first few steps onto the field were like trudging through an obstacle at the Mudrun!



Imperial Walkersx30IC



FlutterKicksx20IC (pax loved this one because the ground was like a soaked sponge)


LBAC’sx10IC(Front and Back)

Main Thang

Pax line up on the goal line, every 10 yards do 10 reps of given exercise until reach goal line. Then return to original goal line doing another exercise. (The Pax could hardly contain their excitement!)

1 KettleBellSwings w/ Coupon

2 Squat Curls w/ Coupon

3 Merkins Feet on Coupon

4 Overhead press w/ Coupon

5 Bent Over Rows w/ Coupon

6 Big boy sit-ups w/ Coupon

Plank between the rounds until time is called or the six returns.


Counterama, Namerama, Prayer

Prayer request for Chris Price’s wife who passed away suddenly a few days ago.

YHC underestimated the amount of rain that came through over night. The first step onto the field almost caused YHC to call an audible but we are F3 and it is just a little water and mud. No #Cantores in this group….we embraced the rain and soggy conditions! Pusher explained he would not have posted but the power of carrying the Shovel flag got him out of the #Fartsack! #tclaps Pusher! I know you enjoyed this so much more than a comfort controlled gym!

The Main Thang  had limited #mumblechatter but guys were pushing each other to complete each round. There may have been a few cusses thrown the way of YHC but chaulk that up to the pax enjoying themselves! If not enjoyment at least the pax were pretty much all working out built up internal gasses. Pusher and Kobayashi thought they had out smarted the Q during one of the rounds and slowed the pace but YHC noticed and made sure they completed their round! Sugar, Snow Bunny and Uncle Jesse pushed the pace! #tclaps to all the pax for an awesome job! I think it is safe to say all present left the Shipyard better today at least we were all soaked. The Big Boy Sit-ups had to be the favorite exercise and helped us live up to the Soggy bottom boys title. Well done guys…..keep up the good work! It was a pleasure suffering out in the soggy gloom with you! Glad to be back in the gloom after missing a little time due to injury. Time away truly makes you appreciate what we have going on in F3Greenwood and F3Nation. Aye!