F3 Greenwood

36 pax packed the Shipyard for an Epic VQ at the hands of Baby Blu! The tone was set with an early tweet offering up something new and double coupons! Let’s do this!



Mountain climbers- 9. IC
Forward and reverse

Imperial walkers- 10 IC

The Main Thang

PAX count off to get into groups of 3, 2 members grab coupons and mosey to the goal line.

1/2 +mile 2xcoupon tote. (15 min)

To begin:  #1 sprints down to the other goal line and does
15- pike Merkins
15-  little baby crunches
(Repeats until #2 arrives with the coupons)
#2 carries 2 coupons (1 in each hand) from goal line to goal line. Takes #1 place
#3 stays at goal line
15- Spider-Man Merkins
15- jump squats
(Repeats until #1 brings coupons then takes his place)

Tricep explosion  (12 minutes)
#1 does tricep extension on coupons
#2 does Freddie mercuries
#3 sprints to 50 does  5 Hindo push-ups sprints back
When 3 gets back, he goes to 1, 1 to 2 and 2 to 3

Wheel of misfortune  (8 minutes)
3 man groups combine ( 6 per group)
The 6 circle up with 4 coupons.
1 – merkins with feet on coupon
2- big boy sit-ups with coupon
3-Sparta merkins
4-knee to chest (froggy somethings)
5-arm curls w/ coupon
6-line jumps (side to side)

COT  Count o roma- 36 Name o roma



Baby Blu brought the pain in his VQ. Bringing along some new moves and our first Double Coupon day! It was a beatdown  from the start that was thoroughly enjoyed by the pax! #Mumblechatter from the pax was flying as the pain ensued. Nice work by the pax and well done Baby Blu! We are already looking forward to the next #Beatdown! Respectfully submitted for Baby Blu……Flossy      Aye!