F3 Greenwood

After temperatures that had been in the upper teens and low twenties, the PAX thought summer had arrived when the thermometer read 37*.  18 PAX gathered at the Shipyard to find a #fullbodybeatdown was waiting for them.



  • SSH x15
  • Windmill x15
  • Air Squats x 15
  • SSH x15


@ Concession stand w/ coupon (8mins)

  • OH Press x20
  • Bench Press x40
  • 15 sec rest
  • rinse and repeat

Indian run to student parking lot

@ Student lot w/o coupon (8mins)

  • Squats x20
  • Lunge x20 – count one leg
  • Monkey Humpers x20
  • 15 sec rest
  • rinse and repeat

Indian run back to concession stand

@ concession stand w/ coupon (8mins)

  • curls x20
  • row x20
  • 15 sec rest
  • rinse and repeat

indian run to student parking lot

@ student lot w/o coupon (8mins)

  • whirlyboy x30 – count one leg
  • flutter kick x30 – count one leg
  • russian twist x30 – count one side
  • 15 sec rest
  • rinse and repeat

indian run back to flag


  • Count, Name


  • Run Your Ice Off – Feb 6
  • TheAssault – March 12

Prayer Requests

  • Mac&Cheese Grandparents
  • BabyBlu daughter
  • BlueBall father
  • seems like i am forgetting a couple, SkyQ has them in my forgetfullness


  • YHC is humbled by the outpouring of calls, texts, Twitter messages from PAX regarding the death of grandfather.  F3 is much more than a workout and YHC is proud to call the PAX his brothers.
  • YHC also encouraged others pray and to always remember that the Lord’s Prayer is all encompassing of issues we may be facing.  If you are uncomfortable praying or can’t seem to find the right words, the Lord’s Prayer will always get the job done.
  • Lord’s Prayer in unison among PAX


  • mumblechatter was at a minimum today….not sure if PAX faces were still frozen from earlier in the week or there was that much work being done
  • RoundUp and BluePrint looked like a couple of EHS students when they showed up carrying book bags to the workout.  Later determined they were only training for a GoRuck event later in the month.  Both men expressed gratitude for lack of burpees and merkins in the workout
  • YHC’s clock may have gotten messed up during first round of TheThang, a few PAX claim it lasted 30 minutes
  • YHC will try to incorporate some pinky exercise next time he Q’s at the request of BabyBlu, only body that wasn’t sore leaving the AO
  • #tclaps to GwdDist50 for replacing light bulbs in the parking lot – you can know see the steps during the approach to the practice field