F3 Greenwood

15 pax made a choice this morning to post for an UpperBody (for the most part) #beatdown at the Epicenter. YHC had a plan earlier in the week to get us back over to “The Hill” but fried legs from Refugee’s VQ caused an audible from that plan. Now time to make the rest of the body hurt like the legs. Let’s see what happens!


Stated very well! However, forgot to announce I am not a professional and Kobayashi called me out. #tclaps #accountability








Merkin Ladder

Line-up on the goal line. Four cones placed out from goal line at 10 yd. increments. (At this point Judge Hairy said I forgot about the 5th Cone) His Hospital name is Robert Cone……..

Starting with 20 Merkins at Goal line -1 as you move to the next cone and so forth. Once you reach the 4th cone run to goal line and continue the descending ladder. Continue until 0!

A lot of love towards YHC was being thrown out during this time. Meatloaf was especially fond of “another ridiculous Flossy Q” Hence the Title for todays BB.

Plank for the 6

Pax grab coupons and line up at goal line

15 KettleBell Swings x 15 Curls x 15 Triceps Ext Take a 1/2 lap

AMRAP until time is called (approx. 15 min)

20 MountainClimbers x 20 Flutter Kicks x 20 LBC’s 3 Rounds or until 6am!



#22 Merkins for the Veterans that will commit suicide today.

Countorama, Namerama, Prayer (Thumper’s wife having complications with baby, Blue Ball- Biopsy June1, Boy George and Juggernaut’s M’s, Uncle Buck and situation at home, Bambi had a friend step on a copperhead, SemiPro’s MIL is having some medical tests)


F3 Dads Saturday workout with 2.0’s starts this Saturday Fury at 8, Fury Saturday time moves to 6 this Saturday, Houston leap in Oct contact Jugs and Alpo to help

Naked moleskin

The COP started out with the usual SSH. Meatloaf and Kobayashi attempted to sway YHC into a ridiculous number of SSH’s like 100 or something but YHC stuck to the script.

The 210 Merkins to start the main thang was a big hit. Meatloaf definitely approved! Judge Hairy was asking to ride along on Baby Blu and YHC’s back. Baby Blu and Sour crushed the Merkin Ladder. #tclaps

Some how Polly was brought up about being an alter boy. Polly proceeded to tell us that he did not want to be one growing up. But the truth later came out he wasn’t allowed. Hmmmm…….maybe more to the story there.

Meatloaf pushed Sour to sprint on the laps between sets. Well done guys!

YHC was called out for mountain Climbers not being  ab work. Judge Hairy said they were working his shoulders. YHC was quick to point out the shoulders were just still hurting from the previous exercises. Mountain climbers are excellent for your core I might add….. and legs…… and arms!

Well that’s a wrap! A great day at the Epicenter! Awesome work put in by the pax. It was truly an honor to be your Q. Keep pushing yourself and each other to #getbetter! But remember it is more than the workout in the #gloom. Push each other to be better men in all we do…….in your faith, at home with your M and 2.0’s, friendships. Never stop striving to improve and help the men beside you do the same. Be the example………Aye!