F3 Greenwood

YHC and Jugz, that was the crew for the day

disclaimer may or may not have been mentioned…no matter, we’re both professionals at something

warm up…SSH, IC x 25

Grass cutters,IC x 20

Imperial walkers, IC x 25

LBAC’s, IC x 25 …reverse

22 merkins

the main thang

4 stations….station 1, coupons

‘5150’ ….. Curls, crunches, KBS, alpo’s,

Tri extension, whirlybird

Station 2, pull tire up and down parking


Station 3, pound tire w 16 lb

Sledgehammers & dual

4 lb hammers

Station 4, beat the T total crap out

of 80 lb heavy bag

countOrama, nameOrama, Prayer


YHC brought the toys….heavy bag hung from the monkey bars…love beatin that thing, an old stiff tire to beat with hammers and my favorite training tool ever…Titan the tire. YHC outfitted Titan with eye bolts, attached tethers to a leather work belt and hooked the belt to the tire…Titan may weigh 125lbs and when pulled up and down a hill, makes one hell of a quad burning cardio workout….YHC created Titan to train for and complete the Mt Mitchell challenge in 2010. You want to run the mountains? pull the tire

Anyway, had a lot of fun this morning, sorry everyone missed out

Jugz, enjoyed the time brother!

F3 Works!!