In the predawn gloom of a cool, crisp morning 6 pax resisted the siren call of the fartsack to get some first F.
A quick warmup was perfomed consisting of:
15 arm circles ic
15 arm circles ic in reverse
15 chinooks ic
15 chinooks ic reverse
10 side straddle hops ic
5 burpees on your own
10 side straddle hops ic
5 burpees on your own
10 side straddle hops ic
5 burpees on your own
Once every one was warmed up we picked our coupon and moved to the field. This workout is a modified version of a Men’s Health workout. The men lined up and YHC briefly explained how it is done. 10 excersises pefomed for 1 minute as many reps as possible for three rounds. Mumblechatter was virtually nonexistant, but there was groaning and heavy breathing to let YHC know that all were present and working.
One minute each for three rounds
Gobblet squats
Mountain climbers
Kettle bell swings
Jump lunges
Bent over rows
Side lunge touch
Plank slide
Lunge and rotate
Push press
Rest 90 seconds and repeat
Upon completion one of the pax stated that the lesson learned today is that a minute is a long time.
YHC asked if there were any prayer request and recived requests for our brothers to return from the Mudrun safe and sound. Another request was for us to put aside selfishness and to have a servants heart towards our wives and children.
Prayer was perfomed and thanks was given for the day and all the blessings given.