F3 Greenwood

A day in the life of F3–TheWood, but not just any day. This day is a day of opportunities. Our opportunity to pass along to others that which has made so definite and positive a difference in our own lives. Opportunity to put into action our belief that real Leaders, serve others. Opportunity to build and expand on a brotherhood that makes men so much better, in so many ways. This was our opportunity to give back, and it was done well…by all!

For the 13 pax who’s day started at 5:15, it began with a little trepidation…Meatloaf is driving! There’s not enough space or time here to recapture past moments that have given us reason to show concern for this fact. Truth be told though, the pax really do love it. We all live on the edge and our brother just gives us yet another venue to rehash time and again of, “living on the edge.” However, I don’t think any of us were expecting what transpired. Oh yeah, the space of 3 inches between Meatloaf’s bumper and the bumper of the car in front of him, this is not unusual. The speeding up as if to pass when the broken yellow line only has 10 more feet left in it and we’re cresting a hill, not unheard of. Passing stopped vehicles at traffic circles by riding through parking lots doesn’t even raise alarms anymore. But this morning, we hit NEW territory. 5 miles from the AO, navigator tells Meatloaf, “you need to turn left ahead”. Oh if we could only see the vision in Meatloaf’s mind at that moment. I’ll try and imagine: “Left he says, but there’s THREE ways I can go here. I’m traveling about 15 mph faster than i should be…oh crud, I got to make a decision. I’ll just split the difference and take the middle road…how bad can it be?” As a passenger, all i can say is thank GOD ALMIGHTY there was not another car coming…”Meatloaf, this is a ONE WAY street, and you’re going the WRONG way!” AT this point, the left turn was finally made, right into a grassy field! “just cross it Meatloaf. The world is your driving field.” I don’t think we’ve ever seen a faster 3 Pt turn around than that one. Pax going crazy at this point. I look behind us and WOE NELLY, here comes Pothole and crew barreling in. They do manage to swerve and hit that “right” left turn, pull right up on the shoulder of the afore mentioned grassy area and allow Meatloaf to regain his place in front. It was quite an experience. One that is now logged in the annals and will be spoken about for generations of pax to come. Thank you Meatloaf, we love you brother!!

After arriving, safely I must add, at the prescribed AO some of us ran a mile or 2, some of us stood around and chatted, some of us set up the AO for the coming beatdown. 1 minute to show time, head to the Shovel Flag with newly acquired coupons…T-Claps to Boy George for the 40 gifts that will keep on giving! Well, actually only 39 now. Sparkle got upset at his and broke it. Okay, he just dropped it (un)gently it shattered.

Disclaimer was given. During this time I warned the Aiken crew, YHCs been known to confuse the human anatomy. Especially when designating the part of your body that should be feeling the pain, versus the part that really is…we call this “Duggarnatomy”.

COP, all exercises IC

30 SSH

10 Merkins

25 Imperial Walkers

10 Merkins

20 Copperhead Squats

10 Merkins

15 Grass Cutters

10 Merkins


YHC called pax to form two lines, facing each other. The man across from you is your partner when called for. The two lines moseyed to the track opposite the tennis courts and Apple Sauce (Indian Run) ensued around the bend and up to the far tennis courts. The Clay courts are OFF limits.

At the courts a partnered, cumulative count, suicide workout was called. Pax 1 began exercise while pax 2 completed suicide set then flap jack.


1) 100 Merkins

2) 200 LBC

3) 300 Squats

YHC heard no shortage of “this sucks” coming from the pax. Music to my ears! When teams started finishing they came along side a set of brothers not yet finished and helped get the work done. Next,

Mosey back to soccer field, grab your coupons along the way and line up facing up the field. 5 cones placed at 20 yard intervals (last one 100 yards out) heading away from our line gave a clue. Each pax was called upon to carry his block up the field, sometimes to be used, sometimes not, but at all times it was that burdensome weight that reminded us, we’re here to get better.

B. L. I. M. P. (this can be made plural and incorporate S.quats as well. But not today) spelled out each exercise.

B. urpees with your block (In the Wood we call these Man-makers)  10 reps

L. unges with your block   20 reps

I. mperial Walkers     30 reps

M. erkins with the block. Pax chose either incline or decline merkin.   40 Reps

P. lank Jax     50 reps

Sprint back, with block in hand, to the beginning line. Next,

Pax dropped their blocks and lined up on sideline facing opposite sideline. Each side came with a designated exercise and count, all OYO. Crossing the field to the other side was done, Karaoke style!

SIDE 1 40 Mountain Climbers

SIDE 2 30 Overhead Claps

SIDE 1 20 Bonnie Blairs

SIDE 2 10 Atomic Merkins

YHC had intentions of going back up this ladder but called an audible seeing only 10 minutes was left. Next,

Circle back up around the Shovel Flag for:

American Hammers  25 IC

ALPO’s 10 IC

Crunchy Frogs 20 IC

Curls 25 OYO

Flutter Kicks 15 IC followed by “hold it” at 6 inches raise to 90* back to 6″ back to 90* back to 6″ with another 15 IC

And, just like we started, ended with 10 Merkins IC





Prayer requests and devo by Meatloaf



  • The last mile in to the AO a copper followed close behind us. We were waiting on the blue light, it never came. The officer pulled into the parking lot and turns out, he’s a Pax!
  • This was a tough workout. And by all accounts the pax did well. One said afterward, “man, there was no resting that whole hour.” Nope. That’s #theWood way.
  • After learning Coffeeteria was to be had at Hardee’s Uncle Jesse let it be known, Chick-fil-a was his preference, we all went to Chick-fil-a. Had some good 2ndF.
  • To all the Pax of F3 Aiken, take photos of yourselves so you’ll have before and after shots. The differences, if you fellas (and all the FNGs to come) stick with it, it will blow you away! Guaranteed!
  • Remember the Vets and current military personnel and Law Enforcement. 22 Merkins in memory of those 22 Vets who today, simply cannot adjust back to civilian life and choose to take their lives. This is a Very sad but Very real plight of our veteran service men and women.
  • Prayers for wives on mission trips right now, safety.  Rodman’s 2 year old cousin has a brain tumor and is dying. Pray for that family…I cannot imagine. Thumper’s family in the loss of their Grandfather. Blue Ball going through cancer treatment.
  • Meatloaf challenged the pax with what it really means for Iron to sharpen Iron. It’s not always pretty and doesn’t always feel good. When the heated abrasive blade is placed with force against the dull Iron blade for the purpose of making stronger and sharper, sparks fly. But in the end, both are made ready to fulfill the purpose for which they were made. So it is with us. Tools to help sharpen each other that we may be the godly men HE has created us and desires for us to be.
  • Andy Brown, FNG, F3 Bidet; Causten?, FNG, F3 Jimmy Neutron; Ty Skinner, FNG, F3 Double Dribble

