F3 Greenwood

YHC has realized he needs to make a change in planning his Q’s.  So many exercises and combinations are used that it requires that all the PAX have a Wenkie.  Just can’t help loving being continuous moving using multiple movements instead of only smoking one muscle group.  Maybe next time I can change it up.  Here is how it went this time.

Conditions – 52 Degrees (Finally cooling off maybe)



Slaughter Start – Fast mosey around track for 1 lap

Windmill x 10 IC
LBAC Forwards x 20 IC
Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
TTH x 10 IC
LBAC Backwards x 20 IC
Slider Crunches x 20 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC


Round 1 (Bear Crawl, High Knee, Karaoke, Backward Run, Sprint)
Far End Zone
5 Jump Squat
10 Big Boy Situp w Block
15 Block Press
Near End Zone
5 Alt Lunges
10 Kettle bell Swing
15 Side Crunches

Round 2 (Bear Crawl , High Knee, Karaoke, Backward Run, Sprint)
Far End Zone
5 Monkey Humpers
10 LBC
15 Curls
Near End Zone
5 Thrusters
10 Overhead Press
15 Flutterkicks

Round 3 (Bear Crawl, Jump, High Knee, Karaoke, Backward Run, Sprint)
Far End Zone
5 Curls
10 Squats
15 Russian Twist
Near End Zone
5 Jump Lunges
10 Bent Over Rows
15 Dying Cockroaches

1 Lap around track AYG

Circle up around flag for some Al Gore Burpees to close us  out.  YHC was going to pull these due to time but the AOQ gave YHC permission for OT.

Countorama and Nameorama

Announcements – Nov. 7th Big Bang in Augusta if not going need Q’s for Shipyard and Epicenter / If your not on Twitter, get on Twitter says Capri, a once non Twitter user

Prayers – Here is where something really special happened.  A PAX who is new to the group took a leap of faith and shared his struggle with pornography.  The PAX embraced him and prayed for and encouraged him.  Several PAX hung around to talk with and pray for him individually.  This is what true faith and fellowship and F3 are about.  Binding together as men and truly bearing our souls and truly iron sharpening iron.  Huge TCAPS to this PAX for stepping out and not hiding any longer.  A wise man once told me there is no healing in hiding.

YHC always considers it a pleasure and blessing to be able to Q.  This group of men means a lot to me and I appreciate them all!  Keep pushing and keep getting better!
