1000 is a good number. It has a lot of good qualities. It’s big, but not too big. It can easily be divided up evenly. It is pleasant to look at, and very easy to say. 1000 reps doesn’t sound like too many. YHC has participated in several workouts with various Q’s that did 1100, even 1200 reps. So why mess with 1000? Well, this workout was a little different. It was 1000 upper body reps. Here we go!
Disclaimer given, I am not a professional, but I am old enough to be one.
COP- none
Main Thang
10 pull-ups
20 dips
30 merkins
40 curls
10 rounds
That’s it simple, plain, straight forward. Just a solid good ole upper body smoke. YHC brought his special F3 song mix that brought out several comments. Before hearing any songs most of the pax were glad that it wasn’t Duggars play list. Hats off to Duggar for bringing the speaker and for the technical assistance. Found out that Alpo actually does like country music when Dwight Yoakom broke into, “1000 Miles to Nowhere”.
Relatively small group, but big work was done. Meter Maid and Duggar were half way through round 8 when time was called. Most other pax were finishing up round 7.
Time called, head back to the shovel flag.
22+1 merkins for veterans who take their lives and deployed pax
Announcements : read newsletter
Prayer request: Rodmans and his family, YHCs daughter, Uncle Buck and family, and other pax
NMS: I could tell all the pax really enjoyed my playlist. I do feel bad that I didn’t have a song for Alpo, next time brother. You to Weaver, already got one picked out for you. Refugee, of course had the coolest song. Refugee being the WarBaby didn’t know many of the songs. But enough rambling about music. F3 Greenwood showed its true colors today. Don’t know all the details but before noon today Rodman had a plane ticket to Ohio to be with his family during this most difficult time. #tclaps to Meatloaf, Sugar and whoever else saw the need and did something! Too many times people see needs and never take action. F3 Greenwood takes action and meets needs. I am privileged to be a part of this group. As always it is a pleasure to lead this special group of men.
BabyBlu out!