F3 Greenwood

Format: This is a for time workout.


  • Measure out 800 meters or utilize a 200/400 meter loop.  PAX should finish 800m at cone grid.
  • Measure out 15 yards in a straight line with cones at the start and end.
  • A standard coupon is needed for this workout.


  • Run 800 meters
  • 80 Merkins
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats (no cheat/no surrender)
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back to start
  • 80 Coupon Plank Jacks (toes down & up = 1)
    • Murder Bunny travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Reverse Murder Bunny back to start
  • 60 Merkins
    • Bricklayers travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Bricklayers back to start
  • 60 Coupon Plank Jacks
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back to start
  • 40 Merkins
    • Bricklayers travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Bricklayers back to start
  • 40 Coupon Plank Jacks
    • Murder Bunny travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Reverse Murder Bunny back to start
  • 20 Merkins
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs travel 15 yards
    • 14 Cactus Jump Squats
    • Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back to start
  • 20 Coupon Plank Jacks
  • Run 800 meters

March to the Arch – MODIFIED

Lt. Dan’s Magic LegsLt. Dan’s (no coupon) or Lunge Walk
Cactus Jump SquatsAir Squats or Bobby Hurley’s
Coupon Plank JacksPlank Jacks (no coupon)
Murder BunnyBunny Hop (no coupon)
BricklayersSideways Bunny Hop or Sideways Lunge Walk
****Can always adjust weight of coupon
****Can always adjust distance
****Can always adjust reps
****Can always substitute exercises


Coupon Plank Jacks: Jumping Jacks while in the plank position with coupon under feet. 1) Starting position: toes on coupon in decline plank position.  2) Toes jump off coupon to ground on the sides of the coupon.  3) End with toes jumping back on coupon.  This equals 1 rep (a 2-count, down/off coupon & up/on coupon).

Bricklayers (movement): Lateral MOT, PAX are moving towards cones while facing the left or right side of the grid. 1) PAX stands next to coupon and does sideways coupon jump, 2) move coupon from one side of you to the other side, 3) repeat side coupon jump, 4) rise & repeat.  PAX can change which way they are facing whenever they want.  Hands must come off coupon for jump.  PAX cannot toss or roll coupon for greater distance, coupon must have the same flat side up at all times.  Coupon is always in landscape position, with PAX jumping the width (shorter side). 

Cactus (No-Cheat) Jump Squats: Coupon is standing upright on ground, PAX puts hands behind head, similar to doing no-surrenders. 1) PAX sits on coupon, 2) then lifts both feet off the ground at same time, 3) PAX stands and then goes straight into a jump squat off coupon. Both feet come off the ground when sitting and both feet come off the ground when jumping.