YHC rolled up about 5:10 to a parking lot full of vehicles at the Epicenter. Bengay was unloading a tractor tire out of his truck and YHC did his best but could not come up with a way to mix it into the planned work with this many pax. There’s no doubt that my next Q will incorporate the tire though.
Conditions: 32°
Disclaimer was given
Pothole sent an OTW text since he was running late, so we did a little warmup while waiting.
SSH – IC x 30
Cut the grass – IC x 30
Pothole arrives so we mosey to the track where the main road leads to the roundhouse. The first round was as a group to get the lay of the land and all subsequent laps were OYO.
Mosey to the roundhouse
30 second wall sit
Mosey between fields D & E (I think)
Bearcrawl up the hill to the track
30 monkey humpers at the track
Mosey to the basketball courts
30 mountain climbers
Mosey to the right field corner of the little league field
30 merkins
Mosey to the intersection with the main track
30 jungle bois
Mosey back to the start
30 big boy situps
Rinse and repeat until time is called
Announcements: Q Sheets are wide open so sign up to lead somewhere soon.
Prayer Requests: Polly’s daughter in law and son with the upcoming new baby, Chris Deal as he fights with ALS, Shag’s friend dealing with cancer diagnosis and the path forward
-Welcome FNG Shag
-Polly was in attendance so there was no shortage of mumblechatter this morning.
-Bean texted after the workout and said he didn’t know what happened but he didn’t make it. Shocker. Maybe that’s why Blu got choked up in the COT.
-It was good to see a large crowd out this morning. A good combination of vets and new guys, which is always good. Strong effort by everyone.