The Pistol begins at 5:05ish…disclaimer ’round that time ish.
Warmup: 30 seconds: plank, right side plank, left side plank. 15 count in cadence straight plank leg lifts, side plank leg lifts
Werk: 21-15-9. At the completion of each 9, run a lap. Set 1: Burpee, Big Boi, Monkey Humper. Set 2: Bonniez, Merkin, WW1 Sit Ups. Set 3: Mountain Climbers, Hello Dolly, Leg lifts. Set 4: Side Lunges, Freddie Mercury, Penguin. Recover.
Almost everyone braved the madness that is Lynn’s Cafe’s parking lot. Many eggs, chicken brests, and a bowl of gritz was consumed.
Fo’ ShiZziE mY NizZIe, kEEp mY ArM so gReZZie.