F3 Greenwood

Conditions nice and gloomy, around 60ish degrees and some fog.

1 minute warning given, disclaimer, and off we went.

10 PAX entered the gloom, all 10 returned. Most ran (1 solo cause he didn’t get the memo on the time change) and 2 vested up for a mosey and some work along the way.

We circled up, count-o-Rama and name-o-Rama.


City trash pickup day along Mathis Rd the 9th @ 3 pm. Meet in Lowes parking lot.
Resolute Challenge kicks off tomorrow. Find your shieldlocks, reach out to Kotters and keep looking for FNG’s.

Prayer Requests:

All of our 2.0’s making good decisions
Flossy’s Dad
Ethan Long, kidney transplant complications

YHC prayed us out.

YHC enjoyed the final mosey of the year and Koby vested up to join him for one last tour through the gloom for 2021.
YHC shared Matthew 7:13-14 with the circle. 13 “Enter through the narrow gate.(A) For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

This was my prayer for us, that in 2022 we continue to walk with Christ, along the path that leads to the narrow gait, avoiding the many pitfalls of the wide road the world offers. Jesus calls us to be those few who find this narrow gate. Chose your paths wisely brothers.

God’s blessings to all our families in this coming new year.

Until next time (Tomorrow @ 7 at Talon cause I got the Q!!), Brut signing off.